What are your plans if any for the winter solstice?
Ive never celebrated this pagan festival, ending on Xmas Day.
[Xmas day is not mentioned in the bible]
I was wondering, [kind of a bucket list thing for me] if any of you had been to stonehenge, and what the rules were about attending, etc.
Can you wild camp the night before, and go and watch the sunrise, etc...
Anyone done it?
Or has anyone been up to that new temple at Orkney, Ness of Brodgar, during the winter solstice? What do they do up there?
Or do you have local less famous stone circles, which you camp out at overnight on Dec 21st?
Ive never celebrated this pagan festival, ending on Xmas Day.
[Xmas day is not mentioned in the bible]
I was wondering, [kind of a bucket list thing for me] if any of you had been to stonehenge, and what the rules were about attending, etc.
Can you wild camp the night before, and go and watch the sunrise, etc...
Anyone done it?
Or has anyone been up to that new temple at Orkney, Ness of Brodgar, during the winter solstice? What do they do up there?
Or do you have local less famous stone circles, which you camp out at overnight on Dec 21st?
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