my stove arrived today! just unpacked it, cant wait to use it! might make dinner on it one night this week, just need some cat litter for fuel
Where can I get cat litter for the price you quote... 10kg for £3.99 is cheap?
Regards hubs
Hmmmm, £16 vs £50. It really goes against my principles not to support the UK business that actually invented the blinkin thing, but that's a helluva price difference.
Where can I get cat litter for the price you quote... 10kg for £3.99 is cheap?
nor do I want to register for AliExpress since I've heard negative things about their fraud prevention.
Well in 3 years ive had no problems despite dozens of orders. nobody has nicked money from my bank or cards. There were some ropey sellers in the early days but ive never not received either the goods or a full refund. Ali is currently preparing for a listing on the NY stock exchange.
I like your moral reasoning![]()
It's a subtle moral distinction, but I think an important one
It's not so much that they steal your money Paul, but from what I've heard if you encounter a fraudster, basically your money is gone. Unlike ebay & paypal, they supposedly wont lift a finger to get you your money back.
All monies are held in ESCROW by Ali and are not released to the seller untill you log on and accept the goods as delivered and in order.