Wild Stove’s Wood gas stove MK II

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Hmmmm, £16 vs £50. It really goes against my principles not to support the UK business that actually invented the blinkin thing, but that's a helluva price difference.
Hmmmm, £16 vs £50. It really goes against my principles not to support the UK business that actually invented the blinkin thing, but that's a helluva price difference.

It is very tempting, but I know that every time I looked at it I'd be thinking what I'd feel like if someone ripped off my work, but everybodies different, it would be a boring world if we were all the same.
I tried mine out for the first time last week using kitty litter as my fuel of choice. On the plus side the kitty litter burns for ages and you could easily do a full fry up on one load of pellets and boil a kettle afterwards. The flames are very pleasing to look at, quite hypnotic in fact and my boys were enchanted by the whole set up and insisted on getting a bag of marshmallows out of the cupboard and then repeatedly dropped them in the stove! Even my Mrs who is not keen on camping and has zero interest in bushcraft stopped to have a look at how it works (she is a forest schools teacher believe it or not but is not keen on the outdoors). All in all it does what it is supposed to and does it cheaply via pellets or free via whatever you can scrounge up.

The negative side of it is the fact that it is a complete faff from start to finish. It takes quite a while to get going needs a good windbreak (which surprised me) takes quite a while to cool down before taking apart and needs a good scrub down after use.

It is definately not a stove to take out for a bimble in the woods or a day out even. I would recommend it for base camp use though and it does provide a nice atmosphere where perhaps a normal wood fire would not be allowed. I will stick with my SVEA 123 for day trips though and flask for bimbles about.

For information purposes Mine was one of the £15.00 versions ( I would never have bought one of the £50.00 versions so feel no guilt about the purchase) and I used a Zebra lunchbox to carry it in and cook with. I used a card clothes tag and a esbit style tablet as the fire starter but will try a squirt of meths next time I think as I was not happy about how long it took to ignite the tablet.
Went out for a wander today and tested out mine. Very pleased with it.

I really prefer the look of the stamped triangular legs on the Chinese copy compared to the wire legs of the real thing, since it looks like there are several positions in which they could be used. This of course causes me a problem since I'm disinclined to buy a copy and thereby support business practices I find objectionable, nor do I want to register for AliExpress since I've heard negative things about their fraud prevention.

However there is a compromise which salves my conscience sufficiently whilst producing the desired outcome. If any of the people here who bought one of the Chinese ones with the triangular stamped metal legs and didn't like it, I'll gladly buy it off you. Just PM me if you're interested.
nor do I want to register for AliExpress since I've heard negative things about their fraud prevention.

Well in 3 years ive had no problems despite dozens of orders. nobody has nicked money from my bank or cards. There were some ropey sellers in the early days but ive never not received either the goods or a full refund. Ali is currently preparing for a listing on the NY stock exchange.

I like your moral reasoning :D
Well in 3 years ive had no problems despite dozens of orders. nobody has nicked money from my bank or cards. There were some ropey sellers in the early days but ive never not received either the goods or a full refund. Ali is currently preparing for a listing on the NY stock exchange.

I like your moral reasoning :D

It's a subtle moral distinction, but I think an important one ;)

It's not so much that they steal your money Paul, but from what I've heard if you encounter a fraudster, basically your money is gone. Unlike ebay & paypal, they supposedly wont lift a finger to get you your money back.
It's a subtle moral distinction, but I think an important one ;)

It's not so much that they steal your money Paul, but from what I've heard if you encounter a fraudster, basically your money is gone. Unlike ebay & paypal, they supposedly wont lift a finger to get you your money back.

All monies are held in ESCROW by Ali and are not released to the seller untill you log on and accept the goods as delivered and in order.
All monies are held in ESCROW by Ali and are not released to the seller untill you log on and accept the goods as delivered and in order.

Really? Not sure what I read then. There was something about sellers pocketing money and abandoning their accounts. It might have been from a while ago.


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