Whilst you were sleeping

i've had a couple of night shifts this week and used the spare time between cleaning and paperwork to knock out a few its i have meant to do for a while
first up i covered a swedish metal canteen with reindeer hide
reindeer hide was donated by Dread Head and i believe the Canteen came from Gray so thanks gentlemen
i also knocked up a zippo sheath and a slip sheath for my favourite pipe to stop it getting filled with pocket fluff. The Leather was 3.5mm oiled leather and my oath was it tough stuff :)
and whilst not done on a night i also made with the help of Mesquite a few Gypsy pegs which will be part of my wedding decoartions next year
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Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 13, 2005
The banks of the Deveron.
Nicely done mate.

You are welcome here to play with the massive amount of leatherwork tools and bits I have. It is much easier when you have them, it does make a huge difference. I have some off cuts of bridle leather that would be prefect for an axe loop.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Nice one Sam.. like to see something a bit differnt :), I keep my pipe in my bacca pouch as its only little one.. may be when it grows up.. into a church warden :)

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
just had a massive piece of leather delivered so a few more things coming up.

churchwardens are sweet pipes. originally called librarian pipes but mislabelled.
storing pipe in with bacca can mean you end up with blockages and such like or havin bacca on the mouthpiece which isnt nice at all

got my baccy in a placcy bag in side the pouch so keeps it fresher as i dont smoke that much, and it keeps my pipe clean :), I am not a seasoned smoker.. as such


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