Some new sheaths and other bits

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Bushcrafter through and through
I've had a lot of fun this week playing with new toys and making sheaths for them this week.

First up is my new Budd half head knife for leatherworking. It's swiftly become my favourite go-to knife for cutting any leather. I shortened the handle a fair bit for my wee girly hands, put some ring and dots in with the budd augur i bought, and darkened the handle with leather dye and oils to make it look a bit older and rustic. I wanted a sheath to keep it safe whilst teaching or at markets, but also wanted to use no modern studs or buckles etc so I came up with this wee latch system which seems to work well enough in this instance and adds a little extra something to the sheath.

HalfGoat Leatherwork Bud Head Knife Sheath 1 by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

This image shows the colours more accurately (the sun came out for 30 seconds as per usual here)

HalfGoat Leatherwork Bud Head Knife Sheath 2 by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

It goes perfectly with my Geroge Barnsley & Sons round knife which i pimped out a bit not long ago

HalfGoat Leatherwork Head Knives by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

I got this beauty of a friction folder in a trade recently and just had to knock up something to keep it protected.

HalfGoat Leatherwork Friction Folder Sheath by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

I also finally got round to making a sheath for a necker knife given to me by Caerleon when he was here on a leatherworking course. I've been wanting to take it out for a play in the woods but couldn't without a sheath, so hopefully it will see some use now

HalfGoat Leatherwork Caerleon Necker Sheath by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

These two i knocked up the other week for sale, to fit moras or the common style of bushy knife.


Also just finished this day sporran yesterday, tooled with a Pictish bear, which i'll get up in the shop later.
And another I made just before christmas for a friend to gift to her husband tooled with his initials and the odin godmask

HalfGoat Leatherwork Day Sporran Pictish Bear by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

HalfGoat Leatherwork Godmask Sporran by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

A couple of sporran pouches. One for a bushcraft instructor who loves his spaniels, and one for someone who wanted a celtic bear with knotwork incorporated

HalfGoat Leatherwork Spaniels Sporran by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr
HalfGoat Leatherwork knotwork bear sporran by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

And a few phone cases which were all christmas gifts

Honeycomb for a bee lover

HalfGoat Leatherwork Hoeycomb Phone Case by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

Japanese calligraphy for a nin jitsu practitioner. I believe it is the name given him by his master

HalfGoat Leatherwork Calligraphy Case by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

Pictish beastie

HalfGoat Leatherwork Kelpie Phone Case by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

I also made these leather gaiters for one of our lovely members around october/november. I completely forgot to upload the pictures! She wanted them to be made from lilac goatskin, with tassels and antler incorporated, a drawcord at the top, adjustable, and with the tassels/cords to be red/white/black in colour. This is what I managed to come up with. Photographed on my skinny goaty legs

HalfGoat Leatherwork Goatskin Gaiters 1 by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr
HalfGoat Leatherwork Goatskin Gaiters 2 by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr
HalfGoat Leatherwork Goatskin Gaiters 4 by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for some awesome projects coming this spring :)
Just awesome ! Your work is beautiful Hamish , all of it . Top notch 👍

Edit: apologies for quoting post.
All deleted now 👍
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Yes, you have a very distinctive style now which is all your own. You can just look at something and know its one of yours.Good job.
Please Please Please can folk not quote the whole of pic heavy threads like this - I and many others have a 'wading through treacle' connection and life's just too short!!!

Great stuff though Hamish, I especially love the Odin Godmask pouch :)
Lovely work mate :)

I think I rather under appreciated just how small your hands are! :lmao: Glad you weren't afraid to cut a bit off to make it work for you though.

haha cheers mate, wee girly hands indeed! I think it's also a case that I like to choke the blade up as much as possible as it gives me more control, wheras I see a lot of folk holding their head knives a bit further back on the longer handles. Either way, it's a cracking tool and it works for me :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.