There was a time, a wonderful time, down in our neck of the woods when many road journeys would involve driving passed/ picking up of deer that had been conveniently clipped and left roadside.
The last few months have seen a massive drop in the number of deer left after collisions? Has anyone else noticed this? Whats going on? Deer populations are through the roof in Dorset yet NO road kill??
Have people started to realise the value of venison? Could it be that more people are becoming less squeamish about eating such meat? My freezer is getting empty!
The last few months have seen a massive drop in the number of deer left after collisions? Has anyone else noticed this? Whats going on? Deer populations are through the roof in Dorset yet NO road kill??
Have people started to realise the value of venison? Could it be that more people are becoming less squeamish about eating such meat? My freezer is getting empty!