a - change the system! It's way past its sell-by date!
b - historically really only reflects the last 2000 years! before that is academically considered to be pre-history
c - truly ancient societies were neither partiarchal nor matriarchal
d - we do NOT need more people, we need about 5 billion less !!!
e - the gods preserve the other planets from our stupidity !!!
I agree with you Ellen. We do indeed need less. But unless somebody can develop a new system (and I haven't seen anybody as much as even propose one) it's what we're stuck with.
The problem with population control as it's been practiced so far is that it limits births, thus not providing enough future workers to provide for the elderly as they leave the workforce:
-Capitalism depends on expanding populations of working customers buying goods to provide for them
-Socialism depends on expanding taxpaying workers to pay for the social services for them
-Communism (pure communism) depends on expanding workers to directly provide those services
-Patriarchal societies likewise
The way to actually reduce the population without this impasse would be to reduce it at the other end; to stop trying to cure age related diseases and perhaps begin eliminating the elderly(as in the movie Logan's Run) Do you believe society's going to do either of those?
Societies before patriarchal societies weren't really societies though were they? In any case, caring for the elderly wasn't a problem as there simply weren't any elderly then. When they couldn't keep up, they died.