What Price Natural Beauty


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
blacktimber wolf you picture is bad agriculture.

Yesterday I saw a brilliant video linked from here on a family with a pretty modest size garden growing their own food. The soil used to look like that, now it is fine black loam. Small scale agriculture with a modern wide scope of plants is very productive. we have just lost the knowledge of how to grow food productively.

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Agreed BR. But all our various socio-economic systems depend on it. Be it Capitalism, Communism, or Socialism. All the way back to ancient patriarchal societies. Historically civilizations have either been replaced or expanded into collapse. It would seem to be an inevitable spiral.

The seeming way out appears to be leaving Earth for another planet; which just as apparently seems to be beyond our ability (even if we could find another habitable planet)

a - change the system! It's way past its sell-by date!
b - historically really only reflects the last 2000 years! before that is academically considered to be pre-history
c - truly ancient societies were neither partiarchal nor matriarchal
d - we do NOT need more people, we need about 5 billion less !!!
e - the gods preserve the other planets from our stupidity !!!


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
a - change the system! It's way past its sell-by date!
b - historically really only reflects the last 2000 years! before that is academically considered to be pre-history
c - truly ancient societies were neither partiarchal nor matriarchal
d - we do NOT need more people, we need about 5 billion less !!!
e - the gods preserve the other planets from our stupidity !!!

I agree with you Ellen. We do indeed need less. But unless somebody can develop a new system (and I haven't seen anybody as much as even propose one) it's what we're stuck with.

The problem with population control as it's been practiced so far is that it limits births, thus not providing enough future workers to provide for the elderly as they leave the workforce:
-Capitalism depends on expanding populations of working customers buying goods to provide for them
-Socialism depends on expanding taxpaying workers to pay for the social services for them
-Communism (pure communism) depends on expanding workers to directly provide those services
-Patriarchal societies likewise
The way to actually reduce the population without this impasse would be to reduce it at the other end; to stop trying to cure age related diseases and perhaps begin eliminating the elderly(as in the movie Logan's Run) Do you believe society's going to do either of those?

Societies before patriarchal societies weren't really societies though were they? In any case, caring for the elderly wasn't a problem as there simply weren't any elderly then. When they couldn't keep up, they died.
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M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
All this said. There will be a massive reduction in the population soon enough as my generation dies. The baby Boom was the largest single expansion contributor to date. As we retire though, we're going to place an increasing demand on the working age population.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
All this said. There will be a massive reduction in the population soon enough as my generation dies. The baby Boom was the largest single expansion contributor to date. As we retire though, we're going to place an increasing demand on the working age population.

Not a problem - just increase retirement age to way beyond normal life expectancy and work the elderly to death. Perhaps we could build a few new pyramids with some really big whips, that should kill off the weaker ones....


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Not a problem - just increase retirement age to way beyond normal life expectancy and work the elderly to death. Perhaps we could build a few new pyramids with some really big whips, that should kill off the weaker ones....

Or consolidate the wealth among the survivors. Always a way for the schemers to prevail.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Explosion? No. But we do need population growth unfortunately (if we are to survive as a species that is) China's learned this the hard way with their population control. Without a growth, there aren't enough working age people to support the elderly. Blame it mainly on increasing life spans.

But surely you'd just remove non-productive members from the equation?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
But surely you'd just remove non-productive members from the equation?

Non productive members? = elderly? but also disabled? injured from accidents and no loner able to work? folks who don't have blond hair and blue eyes?

I have a feeling I've strayed abit too far from the origianl post ??? ....

I think I'll leave now...


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Non productive members? = elderly? but also disabled? injured from accidents and no loner able to work? folks who don't have blond hair and blue eyes?

I have a feeling I've strayed abit too far from the origianl post ??? ....

I think I'll leave now...

Sorry it was a joke, meant to put in a smiley face but forgot. I'd be taken out too if it were the case of me being serious. Which some might feel to be a good thing.


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