What pouch should i get?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
Chaps, i've recently swapped my cook set from a military trang to a honey stove and 12cm zebra
previously i had my mil trang in a 58 kidney basher, however this is a smidge to thin to put the honey in and i'm afraid of it bending everything out of shape.

what i'm after is a util pouch that i can wazz the honey flatpacked in the bottom then drop the 12cm billy on top, does anyone know of a pouch that might suit this need?
doesn't have to have a particular connection system, PLCE, ALICE, MOLLE i don't care tbh as long as it contains everything :D
any suggestions?



Full Member
Jul 16, 2009
West Sussex
It will be interesting to see if you find anything, as I am after something to combine a honey stove with a brew kit; mine are in 2 seperate packages but always get used togeather on every trip. I was thinking of having the Honey stove upright in the pouch with one of my smaller pots (probably my Ti Lite) & the US Airman hip flask I carry the brew water in. My current pouch, which I thibnk is a 58 pattern, is not wide enough for the honey stove.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
I've looked online a bit and tbh all the pouches listed online that are either surplus or made by whatever company look very swish, unfortunately no bugger deems it necessary to enter dimensions of said pouches so i'm pretty much left guessing as to size.
if i had a sewing machine i'd make one myself i've got a stack of material i could use...


Apr 1, 2009
Tunbridge Wells
As that is pretty large - can't find anything of similar dimensions and can't imagine it - try a plce respirator pouch or one of the SAW pouches. Both are pretty damn large and should be able to hold it if not more!


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
What about making your own?
That way you can tailor it to your exact needs.
That will mean, of course, that it will have to go inside your pack rather than attach to a strap/belt/webbing on the outside.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
I use a mk3 gas mask bag, it fits my crusader mug/cooker/58 patt bottle and cup,honey stove,box of hexi's,kfs,pot grabber, it has a shoulder strap and can also be attached to webbing via c hooks on back. it just fits my 14cm zebra so maybe a 12 and a honey would work?
Oct 5, 2009
Let me know how you get on Pete. I've made a few pouches including replacement PLCE side pockets and various MOLLE pouches too. I'm out of olive cordura but plenty in grey and a small amount of black, if you're really struggling I could rustle up something to your specs - you'd just need to cover cost of materials.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
I couldn't possibly stitch cordura by hand but thanks for the offer Dan, i've measured up now i'm at home and at its widest the honey grill plate is 14cm.
the zebra billy is 14.5cm high and of course 12cm diameter i think i'll give a pouch a go, i should be able to put on it some loops so i can use MALICE clips to connect it to things, should be sew-able without loosing feeling in my fingers :D

so i'll make a pouch thats 14cm wide by 14cm deep by 15cm tall. this should give me all the space i need. i've got some fastex knocking about and plenty of webbing so i'll have a bash this weekend (in between building Halo toys from megablocks and finding Iron mans blasters under the couch)


"Neo-eisimeileachd ALBA"
Dec 1, 2005
A pouch, or a billy bag used to be made out of a leg from a pair of jeans, burn holes at top and bottom and reel half a football lace through it. This allows you to get your stuff at the top or bottom.
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Shambling Shaman

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 1, 2006
In The Wild
I couldn't possibly stitch cordura by hand but thanks for the offer Dan, i've measured up now i'm at home and at its widest the honey grill plate is 14cm.
the zebra billy is 14.5cm high and of course 12cm diameter i think i'll give a pouch a go, i should be able to put on it some loops so i can use MALICE clips to connect it to things, should be sew-able without loosing feeling in my fingers :D

so i'll make a pouch thats 14cm wide by 14cm deep by 15cm tall. this should give me all the space i need. i've got some fastex knocking about and plenty of webbing so i'll have a bash this weekend (in between building Halo toys from megablocks and finding Iron mans blasters under the couch)

I will have a dig round in my shed to see if any thing fits the bill,, I'm shore a respirator haversack would fit your needs +some.

Shambling Shaman

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 1, 2006
In The Wild


Full Member
Jul 11, 2010
Under a tree
I've looked online a bit and tbh all the pouches listed online that are either surplus or made by whatever company look very swish, unfortunately no bugger deems it necessary to enter dimensions of said pouches so i'm pretty much left guessing as to size.
if i had a sewing machine i'd make one myself i've got a stack of material i could use...

A lot of the pouches are designed to fit specific items - you could try your google-fu against the bits that are supposed to be carried.


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