Thought I'd post my example as well
Bergen - Karrimor Sabre 60 - 100:
I choose this bergen for a couple of reasons, 1 it has the adjustable back which I liked the thought of 2, it actually has quite a range in size from 60 way up to 130 + with side pouches etc. It is really comfy to use. I forgot to get a picture before I put it away, hence the perfect image! I do like the back system, it did live up to the hype!
Starting top left and moving left to right
Black compression sac - Snugpac Softie Autumn - 1400g
Blue pouch - Wash kit (see below for detail) - 220g
Black pouch - Possibles kit (see below for detail) - 500g
Nato canteen, standard and crusader mug (full) - 1650g
Orange bag - Thermarest Lite 3 Short - 525g
Knife & sheath - Mora with custom Sheath - 180g
Blue towel - Lifeventure - 230g
Plastic bag underneath towel - Tatonka Alcohol Burner (fullish meths) - 160g
Leatherman - Skeletool - 130g
Flat black pouch - Honey Stove - 450g
Pile of clothes:
Waterproof trousers - Some cheap brand - 250g
Spare warm trousers - Some walking brand - 510g
Waterproof jacket - NorthFace - 380g
Woolen Jumper - Swanndri - 740g
Green pouch - DD Tarp 3mx3m - 790g
Black pouch - Hennessy Hammock Ultralite - 900g
Brew kit - Morrisons coffee with whitener and sugar, tea bags and separate whitener, hot chocolate - 200g
Pouch with mesh - Fire kit (see below for detail) - 390g
The softie autumn does me from March to Nov but I do run quite hot and don't feel the cold as bad as some.
Crusdaer mug doubles as cooking pot with hanger in possibles pouch.
Termarest is small in length but I don't find that an issue warmth wise or comfort wise.
I might chuck the Leatherman but it can be useful and doubles as a redundancy for the mora.
Honey Stoves rock, even if they do get fiddly when they warp, I find they boil 1/4 liter for a brew in less the 5 mins and extra bonus is they can take many fuel sources. I carry spare Hammaro tinder card in the pouch too.
Tatonka alcohol burner is a backup for if I can't find twigs to feed Honey Stove.
Spent a lot on the waterproof jacket to get the size / weight down but still have it do a good job, not so much on the trousers as I don't tend to use them much.
Swanndri's I love around the fire, I hate wearing my waterproof around burning embers!
DD Tarp I use to extend my living area and work under when conditions are bad.
Fire Pouch:
The pouch itself is the pouch from the Lifeventure towel with a zip lock bag to keep everything waterproof.
Starting top left:
Rubber tire - As emergency tinder, works same as inner tube
Hammaro tinder card - Starts from a spark and gives a great heart to the fire
Lite My Fire fire lighters - As emergency tinder or for Honey Stove for emergency brew (important for recovery from hypothermia threat, can make all the difference)
Traditional flint and steel - A luxury because I enjoy using it with natural tinders and testing myself
Hacksaw blade - As a spare sticker from my fire steel (fire steel as part of my EDC, see below)
Matches - in a box and in a camera film case dipped in wax for extra security from water.
Jet flame lighter - For emergency tinder ignition.
This usually does it for me but I might add in char cloth, cotton wool, Vaseline etc. I tend to stick with fire steel and Hammaro for day to day requirements.
Wash kit:
Yellow pouch - small first aid kit with plasters etc (mainly a blister kit)
Vaseline - for chapped anything and as a good firelighting extra
Imodium - for my number 1 bug out illness!
Tooth brush
TCP hand sanitizer - I'm going to change to alcohol gel to get the added bonus of additional fire lighting material when this foam runs out.
Soap leaves - dissolve really easily in the palm of your hand, provide a manageable lather and don't make a mess.
Possibles kit:
Midge net - 101 uses
Romer - because I'm bad at estimating grid references
Spork - light and effective
Silver space blanket - good for shelter building use
Spare boot laces
Crusader mug hanger - for use over the fire
Crusader mug lid - improves boil time
Paracord - in donut, lots
DC3 Sharpener - a sharp knife is a safe knife
Pencil sharpener - sharpens pencils but also produces good dry tinder from sticks
Whistle - for emergency use and to give to my daughter so I feel more comfortable when she wanders off
Rite in the rain notepad
Head torch batteries
Head torch
Collapsible hand saw
I do have the obligatory Gransfors Small Forest Axe but rarely take it out due to the illegality and I can pretty much do everything I'd ever need to with the saw.
I've got rid of loads of guff from this kit recently, this is what I actually use.
Weight excluding bergen - 10865g or 10.9 Kg
Weight including bergen - 14825g or 14.8 Kg
In my Every Day Carry (EDC) I have:
Camping SAK (Swiss Army Knife)
Fire steel
(These I have attached on a Wegner quick release keyring and chain which I keep attached to my belt loop and in my pocket)
Paracord bracelet
Timex Expedition watch
Cash & credit card holder
Phone (v.important, I hope to replace with a SPOT Personal Tracker at some point)
When I'm out I'll also carry on me:
Pack size is my main issue, the sleeping bag, thermarest, swanndri all take up too much room. I'd like to be able to move down a pack size or two, new down sleeping bag next I think.
I've also just ordered a Nanok SF Reversible jacket which might replace the Swanndri for the really cold months and serve as an extension to the sleeping bag.
And my good lady wife just ordered a Platypus Insulator Hydration Pack Big Zip 2 litre and Aquaguard Eliminator In-Line Hydration filter to go with it (30th b'day pressie), that should sort water but there's also chemicals in the first aid kit. I think I'll get the Aquaguard lifestraw to keep about my person for emergency water.
Thanks for looking