What is the best bushcrafting dog?


May 3, 2009
Weston Super Mare Somerset UK
I have a mini lurcher, StaffyXwhippet very quick over short distances but can still sustain a reasonable speed over longer distance, I havn't taught her to hunt as I wouldnt want her to go killing all the wild life on our walks but I would put money on her being able to if she had to. She also eats blackberries, horse poo,spiders, woodlice etc, etc she has learned what happens when she eats rose hips I drop when picking them, she spent saturday evening coughing, But no doubt she will try them again she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer
VERY interesting thread here folks.
It'll be a while before I'm in a position where I'd own a dog... I'd love one now but don't think it's right to keep one in an urban home unless you're dedicated to taking it out for a long exercise a few times a day. I'm not so until I've got some space for a dog to exercise itself (not that I won't take it out) it's nice to just dream.
I'd LOVE a Jack - and my aunt's springer-cocker cross is a lovely dog despite them letting it run riot in the house.

Just a quick one, and I'm happy to edit this out if it's a taboo on here...
...maybe I'm missing something, but I was of the impression it was now illegal to hunt with dogs... I should point out that I don't have a particular objection to it and don't think it should be illegal - but I do wonder how the comments about a dog that can bring meat for the pot sit with UK law when we're not talking about rough shooting and the likes.


Jul 11, 2009
Just a quick one, and I'm happy to edit this out if it's a taboo on here......maybe I'm missing something, but I was of the impression it was now illegal to hunt with dogs... I should point out that I don't have a particular objection to it and don't think it should be illegal - but I do wonder how the comments about a dog that can bring meat for the pot sit with UK law when we're not talking about rough shooting and the likes.

I'm no expert and I don't live in the UK but I think I've seen on tv that vermin extermination is legal on private land with dogs....So rats,mice and perhaps rabbits are ok(I think) but the big debate and I think that it is illegal now is fox hunting using fox terriers because the terriers are only SUPPOSED to be used to flush out game under-ground but since they usually kill them the RSPCA (I think) consider there to be too much suffering on behalf of the hunted animal so it is now illegal....don't take my word think could be a load of crap I'm not too sure but correct me if I'm wrong I think I saw this somewhere.

I thing we should not get away from the title of the thread so if anyone want further discussion maybe they should make a new thread!
slammer - My understanding was that the wording of the law was hunting with dogs and not so specific.
I'm not so interested in it that I'd start a new thread though, I'll just let it lie unless someone answers it.

Still a great thread!

It's making me wish I had a dog now. I love 'em, I just wouldn't feel right owning one here.


Jul 11, 2009
BigShot - If you really want to get a dog get your self a Rottweiler.....They're great dogs for Bushcraft,they are extremely low energy dogs and are so friendly....your only problem is that they can't be walked in council estates or public parks but in the bush they will stay with you,take every command and will keep the booghy man away!They can be crate trained and easily kept in an apartment.


Full Member
Did someone mention rats and rabbits....



Eddie cross jack- beagle, I think :rolleyes: .

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Not actually so keen on rotties. I'm not bothered by them, but there are other breeds I'm keener on.
The only open space for walking near here is a public park though so a rottie wouldn't be a good choice anyway.

I'd love a Border Collie but unless I end up on a small holding or a farm I wouldn't get one - don't think I could keep one entertained otherwise. Wonderful animals though - you can almost see them thinking!
Jack Russels, spaniels, german shepards and the like are all great too.

Puub - lovely looking mutt you've got there. :D


Aug 12, 2007
Total c**p dangerous breeds bad owner more like.
What breed has been on the front line longer than any.
What dog was on the front line when the twin towers went down wearing boots to protect the paws from glass.
Ill tell you German shepherds, some of you have met my boy Solo maybe at the latest Loch achray meet.
The thing is he is a trained attack dog(the whole thing with the guy in the suit and the stick)and i can take him anywhere anytime.
We are shortly to start him as a pat dog going to old folks homes etc.
Slammer i think you must be from southern ireland as we have had to deal with many gsd's who have had to be rehomed due to the laws there.
Sorry guys dont often rant but one must stand up at times.
As for bushcraft he will sleep under my hammock and be first into the canoe whats better than that.
My best buddy.


Aug 12, 2006
I've never actually been wildcamping so I have no experience of my dog with that but I reckon he would be a grate companion.

Don't know what breed(s) he is but he has a tough course coat that seems to shrug off every kind of dirt and water like teflon. When out on walks he will snuffle around in the undergrowth and entertain himself but never gets more than ten feet or so before charging back. I've spent so long training him not to run off that he wont even chase rabbits now, which is good since I only normally walk him locally and don't really wont to decimate the local wildlife, but he has court around 10-11 mice in the house. He's a lovely little dog, full of character and very loyal.

I've only had Yorkshire Terriers before and would never have dreamed of taking any of them camping, but this one I think would get on well.

Not much help though since I don't know what kind of dog he is :eek:


Jul 11, 2009
Total c**p dangerous breeds bad owner more like.
What breed has been on the front line longer than any.
What dog was on the front line when the twin towers went down wearing boots to protect the paws from glass.
Ill tell you German shepherds, some of you have met my boy Solo maybe at the latest Loch achray meet.
The thing is he is a trained attack dog(the whole thing with the guy in the suit and the stick)and i can take him anywhere anytime.
We are shortly to start him as a pat dog going to old folks homes etc.
Slammer i think you must be from southern ireland as we have had to deal with many gsd's who have had to be rehomed due to the laws there.
Sorry guys dont often rant but one must stand up at times.
As for bushcraft he will sleep under my hammock and be first into the canoe whats better than that.
My best buddy.

Sorry soloman...my bad!
So far in the uk only four dogs have been banned from council owned property!


Here in Ireland 11 have been banned...I thought that the laws were similar! Sorry


Jan 8, 2007
The Netherlands
So what do you find to be the best bushcrafting dog?


(Couln't resist, surprised no one beat me to it. ready for flaming now :ban: )

But seriously..... unfortunately I don't have dogs, but we surely will have 1 or 2 in the future. For bushcrafting specifically, I'd like one that's quiet, joyful, obedient, willing to work when needed and loyal. By the latter I mean a dog that will lay up besides you quietly for a hug, not jump on your lap all the time for attention. We have 2 cats and 1 of them is like that. Follows me around quietly and likes to be in my presence, but is never in the way. (Mmmm, take a cat on a bushcraft trip....naaaaa.)

Our wishlist is topped by the Noca Scotia duck rolling retriever. I even know a blind fellow who has one as a guidance dog.
Other entries include: 2 Irish Deerhounds, Saluki, Greyhound, Basset Hound, Springer Spaniel. When we finally win the lotto and can afford a house in the country, we'll get them all.

I coud also take my inlaw's 2 labradors: 1 of them is a hunter and a driver, the other one is a keeper/holder. So the first will find and chase the deer, the second will hold them in a corner. This combination has had 1 deer stressed out so much it collapsed......:sigh:

Quote Billy Connolly:
"I like dogs, I'm sure you do yourselves. I'm particularly fond of 1 specific breed: the wee brown dog."
Thanks for the link. I wasn't aware there were exceptions, though it was just outright.
I'll do a bit of reading later.

Something about that second photo made me chuckle. Looks like a nice mutt to me.

German Shepherds are absolutely fantastic dogs. I've never met one I didn't like (with a good owner). A couple I was wary of had terrible owners - it was a wonder the dog wasn't worse!


I have a 2 year old pointer who is the greatest company, he has a knack for sniffing our field mice then chasing them, not fast enough to catch rabbits though he finds them easy enough. As for camping he's great won't touch food without permission although if you leave your socks out their a gonner down in one - and thats a miserable hike back home. He puked up a pair of my 6month old sons socks yesterday!


Jul 11, 2009
I have a 2 year old pointer who is the greatest company, he has a knack for sniffing our field mice then chasing them, not fast enough to catch rabbits though he finds them easy enough. As for camping he's great won't touch food without permission although if you leave your socks out their a gonner down in one - and thats a miserable hike back home. He puked up a pair of my 6month old sons socks yesterday!

Haha I know a guy who had a dog that always ate socks I once found one that passed out the other end in his garden! :lmao:


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