What is sprouting in your area?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
the second is definitely one of the carrot family though stu, maybe wild parsnip or hogweed?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
it would appear you are stepping into the mystifying world of umbellifers for the first time... its a minefield of poisonous plants and treachery.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
it would appear you are stepping into the mystifying world of umbellifers for the first time... its a minefield of poisonous plants and treachery.

And a big interest to me...

Stu... Looking through the thread, it seems you have cow parsley and cow parsnip confused, not hogweed and cow parsnip... I do not think cow parsnip grows in this country (unless it is a local name for hogweed).
In the photo you last put up saying about the bracken like leaves, I agree, it looks like cow parsley... It is one of the early flowering members of the carrot family..
You do need to be especially careful of members of the carrot family. As mentioned some are poisonous, even deadly poisonous and some will bring you out in rashes even if you brush your skin against them..
Edit... It is mentioned in PFAF, so maybe it does grow here..?? http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Heracleum+sphondylium+montanum
Has anyone come across it in the UK..?

Edit again... Sorry I have it wrong it seems (sort of..). Hogweed is heracleum sphondylium.. Cow Parsnip is heracleum maximum... So cow parsnip is a type of hogweed, but not our common hogweed... This research is really doing my head in now... Anyone else got any info..?
Sorry if I am doing your heads in too....


Apr 14, 2008
And a big interest to me...

Stu... Looking through the thread, it seems you have cow parsley and cow parsnip confused, not hogweed and cow parsnip... I do not think cow parsnip grows in this country (unless it is a local name for hogweed).
In the photo you last put up saying about the bracken like leaves, I agree, it looks like cow parsley... It is one of the early flowering members of the carrot family..
You do need to be especially careful of members of the carrot family. As mentioned some are poisonous, even deadly poisonous and some will bring you out in rashes even if you brush your skin against them..
Edit... It is mentioned in PFAF, so maybe it does grow here..?? http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Heracleum+sphondylium+montanum
Has anyone come across it in the UK..?

Now I am confused.

This is just one source that says cow parsnip is also called hogweed.


Apr 14, 2008
No No No. The picture of the "bracken like" leaves was posted in responce to someone who said my original picture was COW PARSLEY. I posted this picture to show the poster what cow PARSLEY looks like and that it is absent from my original picture.

No dissrespect mate, but did you actualy READ the thread. I am now TOTALY confused!!!
And a big interest to me...

Stu... Looking through the thread, it seems you have cow parsley and cow parsnip confused, not hogweed and cow parsnip... I do not think cow parsnip grows in this country (unless it is a local name for hogweed).
In the photo you last put up saying about the bracken like leaves, I agree, it looks like cow parsley... It is one of the early flowering members of the carrot family..
You do need to be especially careful of members of the carrot family. As mentioned some are poisonous, even deadly poisonous and some will bring you out in rashes even if you brush your skin against them..
Edit... It is mentioned in PFAF, so maybe it does grow here..?? http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Heracleum+sphondylium+montanum
Has anyone come across it in the UK..?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
this threads getting interesting now. the photos of the 'strimmers rash', on the page of your link, look very like a small patch on my neck which i haven't been able to explain. but i do a lot of strimming at work in the summer..

getting a bit off topic now though.

another plant which sprouting well at my place is wood avens.

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
I just finished cutting annd splitting a cord of birch logs, I just raked up all the scrap and dust and tidied up, I looked at the hedge while I was burning the scraps, It looked absolutely marvellous, birch frond's, ash bud's, cherry tree in blossom, lots of new haw thorn growth after stripping out the ivy last year. It all is buzzing with energy and every thing was enlivend by a nice steady breeze. The ducks are still doing there flying circus routine round and round in circles I am sure they like the attention they get:lmao:


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
No No No. The picture of the "bracken like" leaves was posted in responce to someone who said my original picture was COW PARSLEY. I posted this picture to show the poster what cow PARSLEY looks like and that it is absent from my original picture.

No dissrespect mate, but did you actualy READ the thread. I am now TOTALY confused!!!

Please see my edits above....
I did read the thread as plants are a big interest to me, esp the umbellifers. But I may of got confused with it all much earlier that I realised....lol... I am now going to go and sit in a dark room and think about anything but parsnips or parsleys....
Sorry to of caused confusion...:confused: :confused: :confused:


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