What have you learned recently?

Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
To always, ALWAYS take pain killers on an overnighter and that migraines do not in any way improve a camping trip.

Sorry to monkeyboy for spoiling an otherwise very good trip!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
To always, ALWAYS take pain killers on an overnighter and that migraines do not in any way improve a camping trip.

Sorry to monkeyboy for spoiling an otherwise very good trip!

Sincere condolances from a fellow migraine sufferer. That thas got to be really REALLY bad to be away from the tablets, bad enough when I've taken them and just hoping till they kick in sooner than later. Must be hellish to not have them with you at all.

Hammock Hamster

Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Sincere condolances from a fellow migraine sufferer. That thas got to be really REALLY bad to be away from the tablets, bad enough when I've taken them and just hoping till they kick in sooner than later. Must be hellish to not have them with you at all.

Cheers biker, to be honest i get what i assume is a normal amount of bog standard headaches (for someone who works in front of a computer most of the day) and luckily have only had what i would consider a migraine 3 times that i can remember.
I usually keep both regular pain killers and the super morphine based ones i have left over from a bike crash but it seems these got left behind when i did a sort through of my bag, not a mistake i will be making again in the near future!


Apr 7, 2012
Castleford, West Yorkshire
I've discovered I have vivid dreams. Not only do I believe my hands are ablaze at 3am and sneeze meaty sneezes at my sleeping wife's face, fearing I'll burn my face if I cup my mouth. Apparently last night, I woke her again at the same time, shouting and ordering her not to touch the ceiling as its dangerous.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
I've learnt the radiolbad podcasts are really quite entertaining.

Earlier on this thread someone mentioned they listen to these podcasts and I've started...


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
I've discovered I have vivid dreams. Not only do I believe my hands are ablaze at 3am and sneeze meaty sneezes at my sleeping wife's face, fearing I'll burn my face if I cup my mouth. Apparently last night, I woke her again at the same time, shouting and ordering her not to touch the ceiling as its dangerous.

Could be worse. My wife says I used to murmur the names of other women. Not guilty, m'lud, but the defence advocate had to do a lot of hard work to get that verdict returned.

Luckily I don't seem to do that anymore.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
Could be worse. My wife says I used to murmur the names of other women. Not guilty, m'lud, but the defence advocate had to do a lot of hard work to get that verdict returned.

Luckily I don't seem to do that anymore.

A guy at work once got really drunk, got home at some silly hour, where his wife [must have been a very understanding woman] started to put him to bed. When she started to take his trousers off he sat bolt upright said "can't do that, I'm married" then fell down again in a drunken stupor.

Anyway made me laugh, just thought I'd share.


Sep 25, 2008
Gatwick, UK
A guy at work once got really drunk, got home at some silly hour, where his wife [must have been a very understanding woman] started to put him to bed. When she started to take his trousers off he sat bolt upright said "can't do that, I'm married" then fell down again in a drunken stupor.

Anyway made me laugh, just thought I'd share.

Bet he scored a few points for saying he's married. Sounds like a solid relationship.


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
In the last few days I've found 2 sorts of mushrooms that are new to me, and learned that the mushroom currently known as The Prince (Agaricus augustus) is absolutely delicious.

Fat ferret

May 24, 2012
I have learned how heavy green oak is, (very.) Also if you leave your metal plane resting on it for five minutes to go make coffe when you return there will be a blue/black stain underneath, for some reason. Not to mention the fact tools used to work the stuff need sharpened every five minutes. Live and learn eh.


May 19, 2011
I've learned, or rather relearned that flint cuts exremely well and that said cut bleeds and bleeds. Now I have to learn how to remove dry blood from concrete.


Full Member
May 2, 2007
I've learned three new things ~

My centre of gravity has changed greatly over the years :eek: :bluThinki .

Certain types of bike saddles aren't actually intended to be sat on :yikes: .

And you _can_ forget how to ride a bike! :deadhorse: .
Nov 29, 2004

Old Hungarian apartments often share an electrical neutral with the entire floor of a building.

That the metal conduit carrying the supply for the bathroom immersion heater may appear to enter a wall at one place and exit on the other side of that wall with no diversions left, right, up or down in between, however they don't.

That the electrical live cables from the main supply board on the ground floor may appear to arrive at the fifth floor flats without interruption, however the fifty year old capsule fuses that should have been bypassed are still in line and hidden away on the second floor.

That Hungarians can be surprisingly understanding when you cut off their power for an entire night.


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British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I've discovered I have vivid dreams. Not only do I believe my hands are ablaze at 3am and sneeze meaty sneezes at my sleeping wife's face, fearing I'll burn my face if I cup my mouth. Apparently last night, I woke her again at the same time, shouting and ordering her not to touch the ceiling as its dangerous.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

My buddy's wife has vivd weird dreams. She once woke him with the comment

If you think it hurts with a kiwi, you just wait till I get started with a pineapple!



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