A fire is the only way to make a cup of tea every day in the workshop (along with the woodburner, forge and torches I probably light a fire 5-10 times a day). Being a lazy scrote I normally use wood shavings and a lighter, old faithful clipper or cricket usually. If I haven't been doing any work to produce shavings recently, then it's a handful of sawdust (chainsaw, bandsaw or planer/thicknesser) from behind the machine and a splash of red diesel from the genny jerrycan.
If I'm demonstrating at a lrp event or living history context, then it's a flint an steel with clematise, honeyscuckle, birch bark etc. I normally catch teh spark on charcloth but also king alfreds cake if I have them to hand
If I'm demonstrating at a lrp event or living history context, then it's a flint an steel with clematise, honeyscuckle, birch bark etc. I normally catch teh spark on charcloth but also king alfreds cake if I have them to hand