Cheers, there's also a company that's producing a type of spray sanitiser that can be used for cleaning the hands, but also can be applied to normal loo paper without it becoming instant papier máché. I've forgotten their name for the moment but will post it up later.
Of course we could all stop using wet wipes, but they seem to have caught on for easy final polishing and for those with a sensitive bum.
Oh I suffered them too when I wasn't well. Was going to bring them into it at some point as it does make a big difference to answering the call in the wild.Spare a thought for the poor souls amongst us who suffer with the old "hemispheres"! The alternative to wet wipes (which really are an abumination) is some form of camp bidet; in anything less than ideal conditions at a base camp though, this is not a practical solution. Burning or carry out, really............
My wretched interweb freezes up trying to download these files!
Interesting thread.
I tend to pack out any toilet paper or wipes, if i'm in a high footfall area (like say the Lake District) then i'll also pack out my poop if it's consistent enough to package.
Might sound weird but then i pack out all my dogs poop so it's really no different.
If i'm in a area rarely visited then i'll pick a spot well away from any water sources, dig a hole, poop, add some water and mix with a stick till it's the consistency of say porridge, then fill in the hole.
Only major problem i have is finding a position that lends itself to a good poop.
It usually takes my a while, and as i only have 1 arm that works i find it tough to get a comfortable and stable position.
Speaking from experience here stability is VERY important as you really really don't want to fall into the little package you've just made.
In Greece there are still places that don't have what us Brits would classify as toilets, a lot of older places have toilets like these
Bit of a shock at first, but to be honest they're pretty good.
They're hygienic as no part of your body touches anything other than your feet (hope you're wearing shoes) and the crouch position lends itself well to a good evacuation.
It also means that you'll find it easier to get a good "position" if you need to poop without a toilet,
John how deep do you dig yours? Theoretically you should get at least a couple of years out of one hole!
These are not too easy to use if you have knee and lower back problems that make squatting a problem!
In my "bush-loo" I incorporate a "straining rope" so you have something to hold onto so "taking up the position" is a possibility!
blimey, just goes to show how busy you are. You must get more than a few visitorsDue to the shallow nature of the soil the trenches are only about 6" deep before we hit rock... so the trenches are dug about 6' long at a time.