What bears do in the woods.

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I'm digesting (Hmm maybe a bad choice of words) some research that the Tasmanian Forest service did into just this sort of thing at the moment (boy my internet search history must look bad!) Funny thing was way back in the late 80's 90's I was slightly involved in some trials of human waste for fertilising British woodlands. Was horrible, poo in various stages of decomposition was being sprayed over woodland. All the trees looked like they had white and pink flowers and the smell in the summer was horrible. Also a distinct absence of wildlife bar flies.

Good using the ash as well as the sawdust Treadlightly. Hadn't thought of doing that on a site.
Cheers, there's also a company that's producing a type of spray sanitiser that can be used for cleaning the hands, but also can be applied to normal loo paper without it becoming instant papier máché. I've forgotten their name for the moment but will post it up later.
Of course we could all stop using wet wipes, but they seem to have caught on for easy final polishing and for those with a sensitive bum.

Spare a thought for the poor souls amongst us who suffer with the old "hemispheres"! The alternative to wet wipes (which really are an abumination) is some form of camp bidet; in anything less than ideal conditions at a base camp though, this is not a practical solution. Burning or carry out, really............
Spare a thought for the poor souls amongst us who suffer with the old "hemispheres"! The alternative to wet wipes (which really are an abumination) is some form of camp bidet; in anything less than ideal conditions at a base camp though, this is not a practical solution. Burning or carry out, really............
Oh I suffered them too when I wasn't well. Was going to bring them into it at some point as it does make a big difference to answering the call in the wild.
I feel for you, thankfully mine have gone, but it just wasn't nice.
On the food and liquid front, any flotsum large enough to pick is picked, teabags are ripped open, the contents are scattered, meat and protein products I try to be careful with as they seem the more toxic. Any remaining liquid is scattered far from the well used spots, and watercourses, so any bits or taints have a chance to decompose. Anywhere well used I do not do anything for the reasons mentioned at lock lomond. As for static camps, my grandad took 50+ scouts away a week at a time, so a couple of latrines where dug, better than a kitty litter tray look.


John how deep do you dig yours? Theoretically you should get at least a couple of years out of one hole!
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Interesting thread.

I tend to pack out any toilet paper or wipes, if i'm in a high footfall area (like say the Lake District) then i'll also pack out my poop if it's consistent enough to package.

Might sound weird but then i pack out all my dogs poop so it's really no different.

If i'm in a area rarely visited then i'll pick a spot well away from any water sources, dig a hole, poop, add some water and mix with a stick till it's the consistency of say porridge, then fill in the hole.

Only major problem i have is finding a position that lends itself to a good poop.
It usually takes my a while, and as i only have 1 arm that works i find it tough to get a comfortable and stable position.

Speaking from experience here stability is VERY important as you really really don't want to fall into the little package you've just made.

In Greece there are still places that don't have what us Brits would classify as toilets, a lot of older places have toilets like these

Bit of a shock at first, but to be honest they're pretty good.
They're hygienic as no part of your body touches anything other than your feet (hope you're wearing shoes) and the crouch position lends itself well to a good evacuation.
It also means that you'll find it easier to get a good "position" if you need to poop without a toilet,
Interesting thread.

I tend to pack out any toilet paper or wipes, if i'm in a high footfall area (like say the Lake District) then i'll also pack out my poop if it's consistent enough to package.

Might sound weird but then i pack out all my dogs poop so it's really no different.

If i'm in a area rarely visited then i'll pick a spot well away from any water sources, dig a hole, poop, add some water and mix with a stick till it's the consistency of say porridge, then fill in the hole.

Only major problem i have is finding a position that lends itself to a good poop.
It usually takes my a while, and as i only have 1 arm that works i find it tough to get a comfortable and stable position.

Speaking from experience here stability is VERY important as you really really don't want to fall into the little package you've just made.

In Greece there are still places that don't have what us Brits would classify as toilets, a lot of older places have toilets like these

Bit of a shock at first, but to be honest they're pretty good.
They're hygienic as no part of your body touches anything other than your feet (hope you're wearing shoes) and the crouch position lends itself well to a good evacuation.
It also means that you'll find it easier to get a good "position" if you need to poop without a toilet,

These are not too easy to use if you have knee and lower back problems that make squatting a problem!
In my "bush-loo" I incorporate a "straining rope" so you have something to hold onto so "taking up the position" is a possibility!
These are not too easy to use if you have knee and lower back problems that make squatting a problem!
In my "bush-loo" I incorporate a "straining rope" so you have something to hold onto so "taking up the position" is a possibility!

I can sympathise John, i usually have to find a rock to lean up against or a downed tree to squat over.
cbr6fs, that loo is possibly the cleanest I have ever seen of its type.
Having spent some time travelling and also living in Greece for a few years most have been dire, but then, in some touristy places even "ordinary" lav's have been pretty gross, what is so difficult using a hose pipe and tap to flush away your own produce?
Carrying out your loo paper is something I learnt while out in Greece, fires are banned for most of the year due to how dry it gets and it is not a big issue when you are used to not flushing the paper anyway. This was the policy whether hiking or working in the olive groves for me.

Cbr6fs, hehe - that takes me back to the first time in an Arabic country. Long flight, power cuts at the airport while waiting to get through immigration, big pack of gear. Needed the loo - Oh! different. One thing I'll say about the loos though is that they were all spotless. Never seen a dirty toilet incountry. Then again cleanliness seems to be ingrained. All the shop keepers and householders would be outside sweeping their patch of pavement and road and you really didn't see litter. It's something that we could take note of as a nation here in the UK.

So saying the two times I've been at a meet organised by BCUK members they've been pretty scrupulous in their camp hygiene which is pretty heartening.

Back on the loo front as you say the position you have to attain does make for an easier clean up afterwards. This is handy as it reduces the amount of paper waste that you make. It's something to consider when out and about, as position and diet can have a huge affect of the amount of loo paper that you have to use & dispose of. Certain foods lend them selves to a bit of a sticky end! It can be a good deciding factor if going out for an extended time to watch your diet as to how often you'll need the loo and how messy things can get.

I'm pretty lucky in that the medication I'm on tends to not only slow things down, but along with my diet makes for pretty solid clean poo. Just a quick buff and I'm up and running again. I eat a lot of oats and veg, eggs help bind things up too. This tends to lend itself to a solid poo, whereas I find if I were to eat a lot of processed food or meat then things get a little looser. Coffee and cigarettes can also act as a catalyst for some folk; they certainly do for me. I also find apples to be a bit of a trigger for reaching for the loo paper.

Agree completely mate, it's not my pic just one that came up from a search, as you say usually they're in a bit of a state

As a Brit living in Greece i have to say many things seemed weird to unsanitary when i first arrived here, after a while though i do think maybe it's us Brits that have it wrong.

Those hole in the ground toilets seemed like something from the dark age, but the position you have to get in to use them really does help i fnd.
Only downside is the smell as they don't have the water to make our deposits into.

Likewise if we all got into the habit of only flushing our waste water/bodily waste then our plumbing and treatment plants would be a LOT more efficient.
It's amazing how long toilet paper lasts even when soaked, most folks think it just disintegrates in reality it can take months to decompose properly.


I think it really depends on location, i remember walking behind a guide in Morocco and being horrified that he pooped standing in the street, he didn't crouch or even wipe after :yikes:
Women can deal with their monthly cycle by using a Mooncup. I cycle a lot, quite long trips/multi day tours, and several of my female cycling friends swear by them as they are simply rinsed in water, and there is no uncomfortable bulk compared to a towel, and no real disposal issues as you reuse it.

I can't help myself but share this trick to try, to avoid the need for carrying, and subsequently disposing of toilet paper. Get a blob of vaseline and smear it around your anus before going to the loo. Assuming you are not suffering from diarrhoea, after your movement you won't have to wipe your bum! Go on give it a go, although clearly if your other half finds you in the bathroom smearing vaseline around your bottom you are on your own! Oh, and don't get the tin of vaseline you use for this task confused with the one for your chapped lips!


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