What are these for? pic heavy


Aug 12, 2006
I took the dog for a walk today and on the edge of the local playing field I came across some baffling pieces of equipment that had obviously just been installed. They seem to be some kind of outdoor exercise trail, which is a nice idea and I would have happily used it, but for the life of me I couldn't work out what to do with half of them :confused: .

Sorry for the quality of the pics, I only had my phone and it was starting to get dark.
I put my walking stick against them for scale, it's about four and a half feet tall.

This one was quite strait forward. Parallel bars.

These appear to be low wooden slides, but I couldn't really think of anything to do with them. The dog did enjoy them though.

This thing was totally mysterious.

This one was fairly obvious but unexciting.

And finely this thing that put me in mind of a woodhenge but for which I couldn't think of any useful purpose.

Does anyone here have any suggestions as for how one mite use them?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
The second pic looks like an elevated sit up 'table' but i'm a at a loss to the others too - do you think they are finished or there are still bits to come...?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
No 1 looks like it could be used for doing "dips".
No 2 look like incline benches for sit ups.
No 3 ???
No 4 Balance beam
No 5 looks like chin up bars.

My in laws are big with volunteer work within the local area. Some projects are to encourage older fold into parks to do exercises - as organised groups! It hasn't happened yet though!

You don't live on an Army base do you?



Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
It's a trim trail. You run between each exercise station and do a number of repetitions on each station, then run to the next. Dips bars, Inclined sit ups, cheating heaves (you pull yourself up to the bars, but your heels stay on the floor in front of the apparatus), balance beam for fun, heaves/chin ups.

They're for people who want to be mega fit, not my cup of tea any more!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
We have "trim trails" in our two county parks. Ones been removed and the other falling to bits but being replaced. There on circular paths of around a mile, most folks just slowly walk the dog past them though.:D
I used to run round them and do the exercizes that worked still, in my dinner break.

Wild Thing

Jan 2, 2009
Torquay, Devon
The last one looks like some kind of span the gap thing. You stand on the bottom bar and make your way across by holding onto the top sections and spanning the gaps. Kind of like a horizontal traverse on a climbing wall, but it doesn't look very challenging.



May 17, 2008
north west uk
i thought maybe its so youve got a focal point.something to hang around whilst drinking cider/superlager. you cant carve your name in them cos youd have to be carrying a knife to do that.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
i thought maybe its so youve got a focal point.something to hang around whilst drinking cider/superlager. you cant carve your name in them cos youd have to be carrying a knife to do that.

And sit-up slopes to lie underneth when it is raining and too drunk to remember where home is/was.

Quite a few parks have those things, i have only seen them been used once, and that was by a really scary bloke dressed in tight black kit. He was snorting and gasping like a pig with asthma. He looked like he some mad walt on steroids.


Jan 23, 2007
They have these things a lot in Germany,they are usually known as a "trim dich"(keep-in-shape) course.You find them in some parks and woods,along walking and running routes.
The idea is that you use them to perform various exercises.


Aug 12, 2006
No 1 looks like it could be used for doing "dips".
No 2 look like incline benches for sit ups.
No 3 ???
No 4 Balance beam
No 5 looks like chin up bars.

My in laws are big with volunteer work within the local area. Some projects are to encourage older fold into parks to do exercises - as organised groups! It hasn't happened yet though!

You don't live on an Army base do you?


No 1. that was my thought.

No 2. I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense.

No 4. Yes but a strangely easy one. The log had been flattened off so much and had such a nice deep tread cut into it that it was a total doddle. I can't see the people who like doing inclined sit ups and dips finding it any kind of challenge.

No 5. That was my first thought as well. but the cross peaces are too large to get a good grip on and the space between wasn't really wide enough to get both arms in and do a pull up.

And no I dont live on an army base :p

Number 3 looks like 'wall bars' hang with your back against them and do 90 degree leg raises.

I did triy that but found the uprights were too close together, only about 25-30cm and I couldn't get my back between them comfortably.

The last one looks like some kind of span the gap thing. You stand on the bottom bar and make your way across by holding onto the top sections and spanning the gaps. Kind of like a horizontal traverse on a climbing wall, but it doesn't look very challenging.

You could be right there. I did have a wonder along the lower bar but found that the top peaces were just to height to be reached, while using the uprights as support made it way too easy.

But as someone said they mite not be totally finished yet and you never know they mite put up some instructions to help the hard of thinking like myself :rolleyes:


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