Water Bottle/Canteen obsession.

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
Never mind stoves, how many have you got. I have to confess to having too many water containers including 58ptn canteen, USGI 2 Quart (it is a lot less in English money) canteen, Nalgene, Platypus, Camelbak, Swiss Army canteen and more.
LOL, got to say I've only got a few waterbottles, nothing special apart from an original Swiss army Sig bottle with cork lid and attached cup :)
I would murder for one of those Sig bottles :) I only have the plastic Swiss bottle and the aluminium one that comes with volcano stove. I like the plastic bottle though as it is a handy size and shape to stick in a pocket and the cup that comes with it is handy for a brew. I have also made a leather pouch for it.
I'm low on bottles as well :) - just a 1L Mountain Equipment aluminium bottle.

I had to throw my Sig; it had single malt in it for a couple of years (it got mislaid) and the internal layer deteriorated - worse still, it ruined the malt!
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I would murder for one of those Sig bottles :) I only have the plastic Swiss bottle and the aluminium one that comes with volcano stove. I like the plastic bottle though as it is a handy size and shape to stick in a pocket and the cup that comes with it is handy for a brew. I have also made a leather pouch for it.
Sorry, but that's one bit of kit I won't be letting go any time soon :)
One cute little 500 ml Thermos with a snap-cap top and a nice little lid for a cup. Perfect for driving, there's nothing I need to look at. 350 ml s/s travel mug beside the bed, 2 x 4.5 liter water jugs for supply. 2 x 2 and 2 x5 Imp Gal water tanks in the rear of the Suburban. Water to share as needs be, handwashing (yes there are towels).

I've looked at the thin-wall, collapsible water jars. They might hold a couple of liters in an accordion bellows design. The weight to volume ratio must be pretty good.
I've not got a lot actually. My go to is a Helikon Text wide brim 1 lt bottle. I'm sure I've got Nalgene floating around somewhere but for the life of me I cant find it. Couple of cheap aluminium bottles from the likes of Poundland which fit great into my smaller Molle pouches on my day sack. Mostly though I'll just use a recycled plastic bottle if I need extra.
1x wide mouth nalgene
1x narrow "
1x stainless "
1x '58 patt
2x camelbak chute
2x alu Swiss-type bottles

That's too many isn't it? :lmao:
I prob only use the 58, with mug and the 1L wide-mouth.
But just in case.....I dunno, I leave one next to the fire or do something else dead stupid? Eg: crack nuts, dig a hole with, use as bowdrill bearing, chock for 4x4?

Then I think I'm OK for water bottles!

Actually, I've put water just off the boil into the '58 no bother.
Maybe they're tougher than I think?
Got a few nalgenes and a couple of ex military canteens about the place trued the camel back which I didn't like and have a lot of old and new sigg bottles which I use all the time I love them
Wide mouth kleen kanteen 1182ml? Size, the big one anyway . Team it with gsi cup and Stanley cookset.
Stanley adventure canteen cut the strap off use a maxpedition strap I can unclip and removed the large plastic lid clip that holds the cap on .

Kombat canteen £3.50 from charity shop bought solely for its camo cover to use on the Stanley canteen
1x wide mouth nalgene
1x narrow "
1x stainless "
1x '58 patt
2x camelbak chute
2x alu Swiss-type bottles

That's too many isn't it? :lmao:

My goodness, if you think you've got a problem then I'm really in trouble. I've just looked in the kitchen cupboard and I can see: 3 cheap polycarbonate bottles from Decathlon; 3 Wildo Hiker bottles; 2 aluminium bottles from Clas Ohlsen and Decathlon; a stainless Lifeventure bottle; 2 Osprey bottles; a US 1qt canteen; a Nalgene Oasis tritan version of the US canteen; a Finnish army canteen; a US pilot's flask; and 2 thermoses. That's without looking in the loft - I know there's a US 2qt flexible canteen, about half a dozen Platypus fold-flat bottles, and a couple of Camelbak-type bladders up there.

Most used are the Decathlon plastic bottles and the Wildo Hikers. The Platypus bottles are very handy too, no space wasted when empty. I used to use the Osprey bottles all the time, but not so much lately.
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I used to lay 25 x 2 liter plastic soda bottles of water on the floor of my big, old car for summer travels. Sand dune country and 40+C is spooky without a lot of water supply.
Now, I have 2 x 5 Imp gal water tanks and 2 x 4.5 liter plastic water jugs. They don't impose on the space for everything else.
Primarily, they were for the dogs but they are gone. Now, they seem to help so many stupid people who set off, dry as a bone.

I still have a travel mug & straw beside the bed. No need for any cat to be washing her paws in my drink.

But, good things must come to an end. Probably -25C nights over the weekend, maybe 30cm snow. Time to dump the water for another summer.
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We each have a 620ml version of one of these
Not too fat for the outside bottle pockets.

And the boys also have a smaller one of each for school

Extremely good value for money. At £15 to £20
Wide mouth allows ice cubes in the summer
Vacuum insulation is very good.

Just as good as the more expensive (brands) and still going strong after two years of use

Super Sparrow Stainless Steel Water Bottle - 350ml / 500ml / 620ml / 750ml / 1000ml - Vacuum Insulated Metal Water Bottle - Standard Mouth Flask - BPA Free - Straw Water Bottle for Work, Gym, Travel, Sports https://amzn.eu/d/ctPsVor
I did a last minute archaeological survey near Edwards AFB mid summer- desert country.
This is a simple grid walk looking for surface cultural artifacts and other indicators.
I had Two US G I 2 quart canteens, double shoulder carry,Two 16 oz pilot flasks in breast pockets and a Finnish canteen on belt with a minimal daypack.
ALL held ‘Smart Water’ to avoid hyponatremia.
Lady asked why I had FIVE containers of water? ‘ Because I can’t carry anymore.’
Later that afternoon, her store bought, designer water gone she
Became rapidly disoriented.
Guess who had reserves?
There’s a custom among experienced hikers to carry a
‘Gimmie’ bottle in reserve.
It was named when a woman, delirious and walking like the popular zombie genre, approached a group groping a canteen mumbling gimmie.
With your recent heat wave those OCB collections become rational.
Be proud.
Yup. I learned to carry lots of water for the stupid people.

In my youth, in the outback, we all had "SaltaDex" tablets, salt and the necessary dextrose needed for the salt uptake. Salt and sugar, you pick your pair. One day was 117F, real hell out of the shade. Nobody was moving at all.
Two natural electrolyte sources are coconut water and watermelon. The many powdered mixes require consumer homework, as some cause distress in some users. People also tend to hydrate less in cold temperatures. With climate change it’s just good insurance.
3 x 58 pattern water bottles, all with renewed rubber seals, I've had those for decades. Water only, hot and cold.

1 x 1ltr Mountain Warehouse flexible waterbottle. Cold water only.

1 x CNOC water bottle. Used with a Sawyer filter, for dirty water only.

1 x wide mouth Nalgene. Its orange. I use it in my sleeping bag during the night or on very cold mornings. I'll leave it up to you to figure out what for....

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I have to admit that my two Nalgene canteens which were my 'faves' have been replaced by a pair of Finnish Army 1 litre water bottles. I really like the slightly squared shape that is much easier to handle with cold hands. I still have my very first water bottle, too: a red aluminium 1 litre Sigg, which has been with me on every hill and mountain I have climbed. It is very dented and battered - but every deformity carries its own story!
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