I bought a couple of 1 pint US pilot flasks,does me for what i need.
Yep pretty much although I carry three dry bags two with one gas and one with the other gas.How to make water would be a probably very interesting thread. Do you just fill two dry bags with gas and carry them in your rucksack until you become thirsty?
I think Cotswold used to stock this but it was only at the start of spring For one year. Do you have a reliable supplier?To cut down on weight and space, I always take dehydrated water with me.
Once you reach your destination all you have to do is add water to rehydrate it.
Great tip, we should get this moved to the Resources thread, Mods? anyone? anyone?I've not seen it in Cotswolds myself, but it's easy enough to do for yourself.
Just fill a suitable sized container with water and then put it in the oven on a low heat.
My preference is to air dehydrate it. This works a treat on a warm, breezy, day. In actual fact, you can prepare more doing it outside and then you can store it for when needed.
I store mine in the boiler cupboard, to ensure it stays dry and doesn't absorb any moisture.
Self reliance outfitters have got a stainless steel copy of the sigg coming.. Not sure when, but it's on my list tooI would murder for one of those Sig bottlesI only have the plastic Swiss bottle and the aluminium one that comes with volcano stove. I like the plastic bottle though as it is a handy size and shape to stick in a pocket and the cup that comes with it is handy for a brew. I have also made a leather pouch for it.