Vehicle documents lost ?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Why shouldn't all road usesrs have to pay road fund then ?

Roads are paid for by central taxation not 'Road Tax' or 'Car Tax' ~ So cyclists who pay any kind of tax DO pay for the UK's public road system.

The correct term for Car / Road Tax is Vehicle Excise Duty and isn't in any way shape or form ring-fenced for the creation or maintenance of public highways ~ and hasn't been since 1937:p .


Jul 23, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
And further to the roads in local authority control are paid for by the community charge, so whatever mode of transport you employ, you are paying for the upkeep of the roads and being short changed as usual. But to tax cyclists, then you must tax horses, but don't we pay enough tax in this country already ? As to insurance, many cyclists already have that and helmet cams so they can prove it was not their fault. But insurance always was a gamble, why has it become a necessity ?


Full Member
May 2, 2007
>>> snip <<< But to tax cyclists, >>> snip <<<

To add to that ... Having had a look-see at DVLA at how vehicle efficiency / banding levels work I notice that if a car puts out <100g/km it would have a VED 'tax' of £0.00. Several marques now offer petrol driven cars that are very, very close to making it into this band (Band A) ~ although they are just over the limit and are in Band B (£20 for the year) it won't be long before that barrier is breached :D .


Jul 23, 2009
Plymouth, Devon
Okay I will give the tax as a loss, but I do firmly hold that cyclists should have to have insurance.

Like I said , many do through club affiliation, but why for the rest, in case they scratch your car when you don't give them enough room on the road as per the highway code that asks you as a licensed motorist to do so ? The vast majority of accidents including death on the roads involving a cyclist are caused by motorised vehicle drivers forgetting the fact that others have equal right to use the road.

Now there are some rogue cyclists that ruin everything for the majority, but the majority should not be punished for the actions of a minority in a democratic society, yet majorities are in this society and we let it happen, so that says loads about our so called democracy when it is the fact those charged with upholding the law just don't seem capable of doing so.

I agree the police do need to clamp down on cyclists, they do need to check the cycle's legal requirements to travel on British roads and they do need to prosecute or confiscate where necessary as there is no excuse these days as cycle technology thanks to the industries of the Far East has transformed push cycles to reveal a cycle's weakness just like that of a car, is the operator and their inability to think of other road users.
Sep 21, 2008
Tax is the topic? Gill seems to have had a resolution, What's the problem chap?

Why shouldn't all road usesrs have to pay road fund then ?

Quite right too. Bleddy lycra-clad sweaty 'orrible skinny people cluttering up the roads with their self righteous appearance of health and happiness - Gits! the lotofem!!!

'cept the ladies, they look nice in the lycra :eek:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Got to agree with Southy on this one. I have been in traffic on several occasions when a cyclist has tried to squeeze between cars waiting at the lights and scratched my car. Insurance should be compulsary for all road users, this way anyone involved in an incident/accident is covered. There have been many pedestrians injured by cyclists as well as car drivers.

To be contraversial i also think motorcycles should have front registration plates for the forward facing cameras.


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