Uk Pineapple Guava.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
My Granny had hens, and occasionally a couple of ducks. They squit everyplace :rolleyes2:
Cute though, not much cuter than ducks really :)

My soil is basically sodden wet heavy clay. It makes great bricks and tiles, and after 30+ years of me composting every blooming bit of organic material and adding it in, the topsoil is open and fertile, but it's slug haven (next to a burn) and more recently snail haven. We have snails nearly the size of ping pong balls. Again, very cute when you pick them up and their stalked eyeballs come out for a looksee, but they play hell on my seedlings, and the keel slugs devour root veggies unless I use big pots.

I have so many packets of seeds that it's beyond ridiculous. I enjoy the gardening magazines but they all come with 'free' seeds.....I'm going to grow the veg ones on repeat sowings, and just eat them very small in salads....and plant up a big pot with carrots and see if I can get away with it this year :)
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