Trip Report Part 3: Classic Backpacking 1/30/16 - 1/31/16

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Again, I know not everyone is interested in these trip reports, and I usually try to give you only one per month, but I’ve been writing more of them because I want to keep you updated on what I’m doing as I am trying to figure out this Classic Backpacking thing I’ve undertaken.

My drive behind this most recent trip was to figure out a better sleep system. After my last trip it became clear to me that camping out with just a blanket, even if it’s a very good one, is not doable when the temperature is much below 32F (0C). While you can stay alive with the use of a fire, sleep becomes almost impossible as you spend your nights trying to maintain the fire, as your warmth is directly and immediately connected to it.

After my last trip Steve Watts recommended that I try a down comforter. They were in fact used at the time, and a cotton shell comforter, filled with goose or duck down, with sewn threw baffles would be period correct. “There is no doubt that, for comfort, economy of space, lightness, and simplicity, the down quilt has it.” Thomas Hiram Holding, The Camper’s Handbook, 1908 p.163

References to down quilts, comforters, and even bag designs can be found in the writings of most authors at the time. By the 1920s most well funded expeditions relied on down sleeping bags. Between the 1880s and the 1930, sleep systems evolved very quickly.

I have been resisting the use of a down comforter for two reasons. One, I wanted to see what could be done just with the traditional one blanket. Two, even though it was available, none of the authors seem to recommend it as their primary form of insulation. They seemed to resort to wool sleeping bags, woven fur blankets, etc, but none of them appear to have abandoned their other systems for a down filled comforter or sleeping bag.

But, furs are not a realistic option for backpacking, and a woven fur blanket that might be light enough is cost prohibitive. Wool blankets clearly weren’t going to do it, and I’m just not excited about doing too many cold weather trips where I have to be up all night feeding a fire. I also figured, if it’s good enough for the guy teaching classes on Kephart, it’s good enough for me.

So, I went to a local department store, and bought a cotton shell down comforter. It’s the thickest, cheapest, and smallest one I could find: twin size. I went home, made a stuff sack for it from a pillow case, strapped it to my pack, and headed out.

Then came my next big problem. As bad as the weather was last week, this week in my area we have been having temperatures as high as 40F (4C) during the days. Not exactly a good test for the comforter. I decided to drive north for a few hours in the hope that the weather would be cooler there. It was slightly better. When I headed into the woods, it was 24F (-4C). What I didn’t anticipate was how little snow there had been further north from me. There were barely any patches on the ground. It was disappointing, and a bit strange considering I was further north. I decided that because of the nice weather I should add some more difficulty to the trip, and camp out in an area of the forest where I only had hard woods.


Shortly after starting out I had to cross a decent size stream. Water level was high because of the warm weather. I stopped there for lunch and then did a pretty stupid crossing. I should have looked for a better spot to cross.


Crossing done, I spent a few hours backpacking. The drive had taken up most of the morning, so I didn’t have much time. When I found a level patch of ground in a hardwood forest, I got to setting up my camp.

Since I was in an exposed location, and winds were going to be a problem, I opted for a more sheltered tarp set up. I kept it open while cooking in the evening by flipping one of the sides over.


I had my wool blanket with me. I folded it over and used it as a ground pad. At first I pulled some dead leafs together, but they were wet, and I decided to rely primarily on the blanket. Folded in two it’s almost as thick as a regular closed cell foam pad.

It quickly became apparent why authors during the Classic Backpacking period were reluctant to rely on down quilts. We all understand that down is problematic around moisture, but we, or at least I, forget how good modern shell materials really are. While not waterproof, modern down sleeping bags have shells that will resist a lot of moisture. The cotton shell on the down comforter does nothing of the sort. The moment it touches any moisture, it gets absorbed immediately. At first I thought of using different configurations with the blanket, but the blanket had to be on the ground to make sure the comforter doesn’t touch the damp ground. It’s a serious limitation that I have to work around.

Before going to sleep I staked down the second part of the shelter, and wrapped myself in the quilt as I would in a blanket.


During the night it got down to about 18F (-8C). Not cold, but cool enough to test the comforter. It performed very well. Obviously it’s much warmer than a wool blanket. I slept through the night without the use of a fire.

There were some issues though. The wool blanket was not perfect as a ground pad. It worked fine, but I still felt some cold from the ground. I suppose I still need to use some bedding even with the folded wool blanket. Also, even though I had pitched the shelter to cut into the wind, as it usually is, the wind was blowing from every direction. The down comforter, while warm, is not particularly resistant to wind, and the wind cuts right through it. As a result I got cold several times and had to adjust. Overall though, not a bad night.

In the morning I made my way out. I went a considerable distance off my previous path in order to cross the stream further up at an easier location.


The down comforter turned out to be a pretty big success. Together with the blanket, using the blanket as ground insulation and protection from the moisture, it once again opened up the possibility of doing actual cold weather backpacking with traditional gear. The comforter is bulky, weighs 4lb 3oz, and the stuff sack and four extra blanket pins weigh an additional 4oz. It is very susceptible to moisture and doesn’t stop the wind too well. That however is a small price to pay for being able to sleep through the night.

So, that’s it. I just wanted to give you an update on the changes I have been making to my sleep system.
Very fair review :D and report :cool:
Thanks Ross :approve:

Down is excellent, if you can keep it dry. Cotton covers are hmmm. Our down sleeping bags had waxed cotton bottom layers, some of them had rubberised cotton on the bottom. It helped.

I'm with Sam about the hollowing out at shoulders and hips, and packing with leaf litter if you can. That said, I've done it on a shingle beach and it was quite comfortable without any packing, just a plaid.

We live damp here, even in the height of Summer the ground is damp, oil cloth or wax cloth, or later on rubber cloth, has a long provenance of use. I was told that strips of sew together intestines make a waterproof layer, but I have no evidence for that at all, only hearsay, and the cagoules of the Inuit sea hunters. I know that tarred cloth works too, but it can be pretty weighty.
Brash helps keeps you and your bedding off the damp ground, but I think I'd have found a tree with a good shaped root, and scraped out the debris and cooried in rather than open to the wind all round like that.

The Scots for it is, "Better a wee bush than nae bield". Better find a wee bush to coorie under than no shelter.

Good to hear the down did let you get a decent sleep though :D
Would you shape the duvet ? make it oval or pear shaped to cut down the excess fabric meant to fit a normal mattress ?

I think I'll leave it the way it is for now. I don't want to turn it into too much of a sleeping bag. Besides, my hope is that in colder weather I can fold it in two over me and then pin it to the blanket to hopefully provide more insulation (not waste the down on the bottom).

I was pretty comfortable with the blanket. It just didn't give as much insulation as I had hoped, although not bad.

During this time period they did have rubberized cotton. I think it was invented in 1823. I've seen references to it being used during this period as ground cloth.
Good point on the use of layers :) It certainly makes a difference with blankets and duvets.
Rubberized cotton is heavy though, it really is. I know it must have added a pound weight to our sleeping bags (old British Army ones, probably WW2 vintage :) ) My first modern, nylon, sleeping bag was a revelation weight wise, but the damned thing was perishing cold.
Oiled silk works, costs a fortune right enough for good quality twill woven stuff suitable for the job though :sigh: As a stretched taut shelter layer ordinary silk works without the oiling, just like a modern umbrella, but for underneath you and rubbing against stuff, it needs a better quality.

Brilliant. Vast improvement on the keeping warm. Work with the Down, absolutely, but it would be fascinating to see the out-come of using a Wool filled comforter. Better resistance against moisture; wonder what the insulation difference would feel like practically in the field.

Rubberized cotton is definitely heavy. That's why haven't bothered with one. I also don't have much space left in my pack.

I thought of bringing an oil cloth ground sheet, but oil cloth does allow water through if you are in direct contact with it.

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At 4lb 7oz, would you not consider a second blanket. I find two needed in low temps. Also i put the most dense one on the outside, to reduce the wind.
Great post/report.
I've used them often in the past (pre dating the woven plastic things that are sewn into tents now) and it was fine. Just don't bed down in a puddle :) What kind of cloth though ? I don't think I ever bothered looking as a child, we just put down the oilcloth and used it. It didn't get folded though, it was rolled iirc.

Mummery tents occasionally had sewn in ones, and there were silk tents for the mountaineers.

Be interesting to suss out the old cloths, and see how practical and lightweight we could make them.

Closed cell mats were a brilliant innovation though :D

Great trip report and pictures. While I'm not particularly interested in the "period correct" element of your adventures I admire your endeavours and storytelling that always leaves me wanting to get back into the woods.

That's a very nice and woodland-freindly plaid shirt you're wearing too!

At 4lb 7oz, would you not consider a second blanket. I find two needed in low temps. Also i put the most dense one on the outside, to reduce the wind.
Great post/report.
The down comforter is much warmer than a second blanket. This will allow me to go to much lower temperatures. I find that a second blanket will keep me comfortable to just below freezing. Much lower than that and I either need a fire going all nigh, or I'm going to be miserable.

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Down gilets used to be a fairly common garment.
These weren't puffy like the modern manmade fibre jackets (we still have one of those from the mid 1970's and it's brilliant) but were relatively flat. Very lightweight, not worn next to the skin, and not to get wet, but a warm, comfortable core covering layer.

Clothes are funny things; over the years we have shed more and more layers. Ask anyone over eighty about the clothes they wore as young folks and it was multiple layers. All the time, it was multiple layers. We don't really do that now. We talk about layering as if it is something innovative, and we take them off and on, in the past the layers were on and they stayed on until folks stripped off to wash.
Most of us spend so long indoors now that we no longer thermo-regulate efficiently.

Good on you getting out there Ross, and pushing your boundaries and comfort zone a bit :D

Thank you for providing the link. The Woods Arctic Sleeping Robe is a good example of down technology that was available at the time. Not backpack portable at 16lb, but much better than the equivalent number of blankets.

Sleep systems progressed very quickly during this period. The Woods Arctic Sleeping Robe was introduced in the late 19th century. By 1920 when Mallory took down sleeping bags up Everest, they must have been much more portable, although I have never seen any examples. By 1940 down sleeping bags like the A. H. Ellis & Co down filled “Nordenskiöld” bag with water-resistant cover was available, which were pretty much modern rectangular sleeping bags. When in 1958 Col Townsend Whelen wrote On Your Own in the Wilderness, the discussion on sleep systems was on choosing between a "normal" sleeping bag and one of the "new" mummy-style bags.
This is something that really only the older members will really know I think, as a childhood memory.
Not all down is down.

Seriously, it's not. Eiderdown is the handpicked breast feathers collected from the nests of the eider ducks. It is both warm and very lacking in jaggy bits :) I was told that eiderdown can be collected three times from a nest, but after that the bird is pretty much bare and suffers in the weather, not just have a very thin place that provides heat for her eggs.
It's wild collected too, and is a very limited crop.

Eiderdown is small, fine, slightly curled feather, while nowadays most of the 'down' that fills duvets and jackets is collected from slaughtered fowl. It's not just the breast feathers, even if it is pure 'goose' down….which is really rare, it's most usually a mixture.

It only needs 1kg of eiderdown to fill a quilt that's as warm as the much heavier 'down' quilts. That kg though, needs the feathers from sixty nests.

Eiderdown is the down of the past, not the mismash of assorted feathers of the present.

I have a real eiderdown sleeping bag, but it was cut down to fit a child a long time ago :) otherwise I'd happily send it to you Ross. It's very light and very, very warm.
I have no idea where you could source an adult sized one, let alone a proper eiderdown quilt.

I did find a link to the eiderdown production though.

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