Tonight, I am NOT drinking!
Was showing some friends around Prague this weekend. Last night, leaving the pub

I went with my friends to ensure they made it safely to their hotel without falling asleep on the tram and ending up in some industrial estate on the Western outskirts, unable to communicate with the locals. It happens to tourists quite often, I told them.
So, after seeing them back, I hopped on another tram and - you guessed it - promptly fell asleep, to be woken up by the driver at the end of the line in some deserted industrial estate on the
Eastern outskirts of town, barely able to communicate with the only person I could find... Trams early on a Sunday morning out there are few and far between - made it home tired, freezing, and very sheepish, at 10.30 am.
As for home brew, I'm trying to learn from the Czechs. Here, people make their own fruit (generally plum) brandy, called Slivovice. The better stuff comes from Moravia. Locals claim it has restorative powers, similar to the magical Hot Toddy. If I can persuade someone to give me a recipe I'll post it here. There are local distilleries who will distill and bottle your home made brew, which makes it a bit safer than doing it with a copper pot still in the shed! It varies in flavour depending on the maker's recipe. Some taste like petrol, while others are more like Ronson lighter fuel.