tin foil to use as pot to boil water


Jun 16, 2009
East Midlands
Calculon - I've got to ask....

Do I understand that you're heating beer? Does that make it better? (I'd love to know if I'm missing some sophisticated cocktail)

MMMMMmmmmm. Hot beer!

I can help on that one; had it quite a few times in Poland. Fantastic in the mountains in winter and most bars seem to do it. Big favourite with the ladies as well.

Take the beer of choice Tyskie, Zywiec, Lech (pretty good with Stella or Kronenburg)

2 x 500ml cans or as you want into a sausepan, a few cloves (8 maybe), and slowly heat up, stirring regularly.

Once nice and hot, pour into glass of your choice. There's a cordial mixer out there (you can find it here) called 'Mallina' (Raspberry flavour, like you can get concentated orange squash over here) A dash of that so it changes colour. DONE!

Trial and error will get you your favourite taste, and bladdered.

Happy days.....Na zdrowia!


PS I wouldn't try it with Debowe Mocna.


Life Member
Dec 4, 2008
MMMMMmmmmm. Hot beer!

I can help on that one; had it quite a few times in Poland. Fantastic in the mountains in winter and most bars seem to do it. Big favourite with the ladies as well.

Take the beer of choice Tyskie, Zywiec, Lech (pretty good with Stella or Kronenburg)

2 x 500ml cans or as you want into a sausepan, a few cloves (8 maybe), and slowly heat up, stirring regularly.

Once nice and hot, pour into glass of your choice. There's a cordial mixer out there (you can find it here) called 'Mallina' (Raspberry flavour, like you can get concentated orange squash over here) A dash of that so it changes colour. DONE!

Trial and error will get you your favourite taste, and bladdered.

Happy days.....Na zdrowia!


PS I wouldn't try it with Debowe Mocna.

Shall we try that at Swift Valley???


Mar 24, 2009
North East England
Hi Smoggy.

It's a survival type question. For normal camping/ bushcrafting use, I have my titanium pot & mug anyway.

In list for PSKs (Personal Survival Kits) there's sometimes tin foil included, and I try to ascertain the different uses.

One potential use is to use it to make a pot. Here, it would just make the water safer to drink or food stuffs like insects or fish or meat safer to eat (kill pathogens). I guess that's why many PSKs come in tins (like tobacco tins) that can be used to boil/ cook. I might scrap the tin foil then. Though I could still make a tin foil hat :D


Ah ha, then you're actually asking a different question......:)

Given that it may well have a number of potential uses in a survival kit then maybe you should keep it, but yes you can boil water in it.......or use it as a signalling reflector, or use it together with a piece of chocolate to polish the bottom of a beverage can to make a concaved mirror for signaling or fire lighting, or use it as a scouring pad for those burn on nettle stalks, use it to collect pine resin for fire lighting, or just for keeping food clean or cooking with.......etc......



Jul 27, 2007
Tin foil would not be a good thing to rely on to boil water more than once I'm sure.
Now the thick metal tin type containers foldable containers that come with some ready meals I would think are another matter. Though I've never personally used one, they do seem to regularly come in the PSK packs, so I guess they can be used multipal time.
JMO, but I will try it out sometime, it would be much lighter than a cooking pot.....

Also not sure about the copper wire (My guess it would melt), but welding rod would work very well, would not melt, and can be bent to shape fairly easy.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Whitehaven Cumbria
You can also use foil as a wind sheild when cooking in a pot as in wild conditions it can be difficult to get a pot to boil wrap some foil round and teh heat gets to the pot and it boils
Jul 24, 2009
Spital, Wirral
If you can fill a paper container with water and boil it over a bunsen burner (remember your science lessons?) then i'm sure you can do it using tin foil??!!.....Truth is i've never tried it so i don't speak with the voice of experience BUT i do carry tin foil for many reasons; other than to signal and potentially wrap food i would consider using it to line a natural rock depression which then gets filled with water to be boiled by a super heated stone from a fire. That i HAVE done and it works. It all seems a little mute though because like a previous postee mentioned - i nearly always carry an aluminium non-stick '58 mug underneath one of my bokkles.....Failsafe......


Apr 14, 2009
New Mexico, USA
Have a look at this web page, although it is specifically about US brands of foil

http://www.bepreparedtosurvive.com/Don't Trust Aluminum Foil.htm

hmmm :dunno: , I'm getting water to boil with heavy-duty US foil, no leaks. The thin stuff does leak(pinholes at wrinkles/creases) but my neatly folded, heavy-duty foil, square-pot has boiled a pint of water 3 times so far without leaking one drop. Now on boil #4 and it's starting to leak. Don't think I would trust a piece of foil that has been folded up and stored for this purpose though, don't think foil crudely shaped into a cup(many wrinkles) is going to work very well.


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