Tick Bite Prevention Week


Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK

'Tick Bite Prevention - Taking Action against Lyme Disease.'

Tel: 0845 519 0813

Email Contact Form: BADA-UK

Website: www.bada-uk.org

These people have the bestt Tick removal device around, and buying one from them supports them as a charity. I have them as a Link on my web site.


Cheers, appreciate the link. I am a volunteer for BADA-UK and am covering the forums, so safe to say my head is swimming in tick info..:yikes: I will try to answer any questions as fast as I can...

I see someone suggested washing clothes in Premethrin, or you could put it in a plastic bag and put your clothes in it overnight, I have been told this works really well too.


Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK
That what we used to remove the one that got me you get 2 sizes per pack great bit of kit and so easy to use.

What you can do with the O'Tom tick twister is drill a hole through it and attach to your keys...near the top of the handle is a raised oval shape, if you have a dremmel drill, drill through that bit. It won't affect how the twister works.:D


Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK
Ticks put me off going to the brecon beacons. Should it?

Please don't stop going to places. I have 5 gundogs and spend a lot of my time in the woods, which is a place the ticks love. So long as your aware of what to look for, how to remove them correctly (O'Tom Tick Twister has been proven to be the safest and easiest) then keep the tick inbetween two bits of cellotape, mark the date on the calendar and keep an eye on yourself. If over the next 6 weeks you get any of these go to your DR with the tick explaining you have been bitten
1. A rash on any part of your body, it can be a bulls eye shaped. Take photos of rashes as they can fade and it isn't always easy to get a Dr's appt quickly
2. If you feel extremely lethargic
3. Feeling like you have the flu or just generally feeling awful.

There are many different reppellents you can use I have added a link for you to have a wee look, but never let ticks make you stay inside. Have a look through our websites there is everything you ever need to know about ticks on them...




Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK
Its getting mild here so the little blighters will be looking for food. I pulled an engorged female off a sheep last year and kept it in a jam jar - the number of larva that have hatched is unreal, must be 300 or more!!

Ok bizarre question, but don't suppose you got any photos of the eggs as they hatched? We have been trying for years to get an adult female to lay her eggs, so we can get images. They can lay up to 3000 eggs,...:)
Please don't stop going to places. I have 5 gundogs and spend a lot of my time in the woods, which is a place the ticks love. So long as your aware of what to look for, how to remove them correctly (O'Tom Tick Twister has been proven to be the safest and easiest) then keep the tick inbetween two bits of cellotape, mark the date on the calendar and keep an eye on yourself. If over the next 6 weeks you get any of these go to your DR with the tick explaining you have been bitten
1. A rash on any part of your body, it can be a bulls eye shaped. Take photos of rashes as they can fade and it isn't always easy to get a Dr's appt quickly
2. If you feel extremely lethargic
3. Feeling like you have the flu or just generally feeling awful.

There are many different reppellents you can use I have added a link for you to have a wee look, but never let ticks make you stay inside. Have a look through our websites there is everything you ever need to know about ticks on them...



It is like at the end of Crime Watch (or whatever it’s called) when they tell you not to be overly concerned about crime. Don’t be overly concerned or afraid of ticks or catching Lyme’s Disease, certainly don’t let it spoil your weekend. After all the chances of you actually contracting the disease you are pretty remote, but like Meningitis, it is advisable to be aware of the symptoms, just in case you find that you have been bitten.

Raising awareness of Lyme’s Disease is what it is all about not raising awareness of paranoia.

I think that your natural disgust of ticks, the symptoms of any nastiest that they carry as well as supporting the charity by buying from them an approved Tick removal devices should be enough to be going on with.


Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK
It is like at the end of Crime Watch (or whatever it’s called) when they tell you not to be overly concerned about crime. Don’t be overly concerned or afraid of ticks or catching Lyme’s Disease, certainly don’t let it spoil your weekend. After all the chances of you actually contracting the disease you are pretty remote, but like Meningitis, it is advisable to be aware of the symptoms, just in case you find that you have been bitten.

Raising awareness of Lyme’s Disease is what it is all about not raising awareness of paranoia.

I think that your natural disgust of ticks, the symptoms of any nastiest that they carry as well as supporting the charity by buying from them an approved Tick removal devices should be enough to be going on with.

Thanks for that Mark, one thing we feel very strongly about is not stopping people going and enjoying the great outdoors....last TBPW we contacted Primary Schools all over Britain, and have had a book written and printed by us. We got funding so that the school could request the book and we would send it out with stickers and there was a downloadable teacher pack. Our hope was that kids learn the right story and hopefully teach mum and dad what is true and what is myth..Also we asked the kids to design a poster for the Awareness week the winner got £250 of garden vouchers for their school...it was a great success....awareness is what we are all about...

We go round many different shows over the country. We were at the Bushcraft Show in Cumbria last year...we ended up removing ticks from over 30 fowk...a record for us!!!:)


Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK
I was there and had a little chat with several of you. One of several thousand to visity your stand and talk, I'm sure?:)

We sure were busy at that show....did we remove a tick from you? A nest of eggs had hatched and the larval ticks were sure on the go that weekend.......:) don't suppose you remember who you spoke to....I'm on crutches, so kinda easy to spot.....:rolleyes:
We sure were busy at that show....did we remove a tick from you? A nest of eggs had hatched and the larval ticks were sure on the go that weekend.......:) don't suppose you remember who you spoke to....I'm on crutches, so kinda easy to spot.....:rolleyes:

No Ticks on me that weekend, but I do remember you and remember that we did have a talk, but I seem to remember most of the conversation was with a chap to your left. I’m not trying to be rude, but you were sitting down as Remember.


Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK
No Ticks on me that weekend, but I do remember you and remember that we did have a talk, but I seem to remember most of the conversation was with a chap to your left. I’m not trying to be rude, but you were sitting down as Remember.

:):) that could have been our chairperson she is in a wheel chair. The reason I say that isn't that I'm worried about sitting down, but that show was done mostly by myself and my hubby. I have spinal issues and very rarely sit down at shows.....:naughty: If I sit down the chances of getting up are not good....lol...it is easier for me to stand. Did the guy you talk to have a beard?

Glad you came and saw us, glad to hear from someone who knows what we do. It was a very busy show for us.....but a good one....not so good for those camping who got ticks. One of the organiser guys got a tick, which we removed...bless he was so nice. But did tell his son in no uncertain terms they would be checking each others hairy bums later....:lmao: We are hopefully going to be at this years show as well, but it is in on a different site. Which is a shame as our hotel did the most amazing steak I have ever tasted in my life...was looking forward to one again this year...:rolleyes:

If you want leaflets to give out at your classes just let us know and we can sort that out for you. Thanks again for your support
:):) that could have been our chairperson she is in a wheel chair. The reason I say that isn't that I'm worried about sitting down, but that show was done mostly by myself and my hubby. I have spinal issues and very rarely sit down at shows.....:naughty: If I sit down the chances of getting up are not good....lol...it is easier for me to stand. Did the guy you talk to have a beard?

Glad you came and saw us, glad to hear from someone who knows what we do. It was a very busy show for us.....but a good one....not so good for those camping who got ticks. One of the organiser guys got a tick, which we removed...bless he was so nice. But did tell his son in no uncertain terms they would be checking each others hairy bums later....:lmao: We are hopefully going to be at this years show as well, but it is in on a different site. Which is a shame as our hotel did the most amazing steak I have ever tasted in my life...was looking forward to one again this year...:rolleyes:

If you want leaflets to give out at your classes just let us know and we can sort that out for you. Thanks again for your support

I was trying to be diplomatic; :eek: the person that I spoke to was in a wheel chair … it was your mention of the crutches that confused me. As to the chap I was speaking to – yes be believe that he did have a beard.

I’ll PM you with my address so that you can send out some leaflets, we’re doing lots of shows this year and are now official sponsors of the Bushcraft Show, so send what you can and I’ll make sure that we have them on display.


Feb 21, 2012
Leeds, UK
I was trying to be diplomatic; :eek: the person that I spoke to was in a wheel chair … it was your mention of the crutches that confused me. As to the chap I was speaking to – yes be believe that he did have a beard.

I’ll PM you with my address so that you can send out some leaflets, we’re doing lots of shows this year and are now official sponsors of the Bushcraft Show, so send what you can and I’ll make sure that we have them on display.

:lmao: did wonder, when I first started doing the shows some fowk thought I had had a miraculous recovery....:rolleyes: was rather amusing....sounds like you spoke to my hubby....it was a great show, considering it was one of those shows that everything went wrong from the minute we got on site...but hey ho we got on with it and had a great time. Including removing ticks....our chairperson Wendy Fox was one of the speakers in the tee pees.... Hopefully we are getting invited back this year. Will sort out the leaflets for you. There are poster that you can download from the site. If we do go we can take extra leaflets to give to you as well. Thanks again for the support it is really appreciated...and makes what we do feel worth while. :)
:lmao: did wonder, when I first started doing the shows some fowk thought I had had a miraculous recovery....:rolleyes: was rather amusing....sounds like you spoke to my hubby....it was a great show, considering it was one of those shows that everything went wrong from the minute we got on site...but hey ho we got on with it and had a great time. Including removing ticks....our chairperson Wendy Fox was one of the speakers in the tee pees.... Hopefully we are getting invited back this year. Will sort out the leaflets for you. There are poster that you can download from the site. If we do go we can take extra leaflets to give to you as well. Thanks again for the support it is really appreciated...and makes what we do feel worth while. :)

Hi Saddie, PM sent.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.