Tick removal

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@Woody girl yes i fully agree on antibiotics , the wife and i have to be careful with them and me most of all no matter the strength they give me well lets say i never leave home or the bathroom for days .
The reason i am stocking the creams and pain killing creams is in the event of a S.hT.f world well anything will be better than nothing , the wife would tell you even now i am the TCP king me and victor meldrew have that in common i love the stuff , i have been known back in my working days to have near cut the top off my thumb never used a docotr so to speak in my life only as a kid then when i had a choice i refused , so i had a septic i mean yucky yellow nasty smell thumb and the wife said unwrap it and go to the docs i was like out the way in to the kitchen got a old bowl filled with boiling water out the kettle in went a stanley knife then out then poured over TCP opened the wrappign cut it open then in to boiling water and tcp lol yup i lived and funny i even had a rusty nail up threw my eyelid and out the forehead i still have a little droopy bit on eyelid but i sewed it myself as i say i had a fear of doctors from a young age .
Funny the thinsg we fear now days i have no choice but to trust them as they keep me alive lol , i do always joke i told the NHS and the government it would have been cheaper to put me down , i think the nurses and doctors only keep me round for the treats we take them lol .
You stay safe in the woods ok and if you see a big tick run the other way , i just ordfers in tick tools and the cards to put in all our medical boxes and the car i never really thought of them before but shows this site and the knowledge is being past round
Sorry i asked a question not said you should use them i asked does woody think they would be any good , i have never had to deal with a tick or the bite other than a mates snake years ago , sorry if i offend and sorry if i like antibiotics , the question i ask was to them personallay you can say no you do not like them but to answer so rudly is not a help to anyone , and again yes i understand antibiotics are not a be all and end all but they have there place in the world as does herbal meds and i like them to , sorry if i offend you in asking but again it is called learning and knowledge and woody appeared to have more knowledge than i so i ask "if i remove a tick would rubbing some triple antibiotic cream over help " she replied not really savlon would do fine hmmm so why you got so upset i do not know , "thsi reply here is from someone that has been dead 10 times , LIFE IS TO SHORT TO GET SO UPSET OVER THE LITTLE THINGS "

Thank you woody for passing your knowledge on we do have lots of savlon and also TCP and i am also a germolene nut , but i have also started growing YARROW as i have been reading that is great to stop bleeding .
I am not upset.

I have a background that means that I am aware of the risks of frivolous use of antibiotics and the ensuing rise of antibiotic resistant pathogens.

There is very rarely a situation where you need to apply antibiotic ointment to a wound, your favourite topical antiseptic is all you need and if you do need antibiotics your doctor will provide them.

I know that you come to this from a viewpoint of preparing for societal collapse where you will need to provide supplies for all of your medical treatment but PLEASE do not use antibiotics willy nilly, keep them locked away for Armageddon.

Sent from underground
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I think that I can understand why you are worried about having enough antibiotics on hand disabled prepper, but realy you don't have to be paranoid enough to keep stuff on hand. Sorry if that sounds a bit condescending, it's not meant like that.
Good immediate wound care with washing and a good antiseptic should be enough in most cases.
If something goes a bit septic, such as a small cut or splinter, then again an antiseptic treatment should suffice. Knowing how to treat with herbs is an old, and possibly future skill. Thyme, sage, and garlic for instance are good herbs to use in a first aid situation.
A sage tea gargle does wonders for a sore throat for instance. Hawthorn is good for heart conditions. I could go on...
I use herbal remedies a lot, but you need to know how to make and use them. It isn't an easy subject, but some basic knowledge would save you importing stuff from abroad, the cost of doing so, and give peace of mind in a different and much more sustainable way.
I buy stuff I can't find or grow at Neil's yard, and they are very knowledgeable and helpful. Not cheap! But then, all the prep has been done for you.
Also, you are not adding to antibiotic resistance by using too often, or inappropriately.
This is my last post on this so hopefully it can get back on topic after, sorry....

I would argue that every generation of bacteria exposed to antibiotics will contribute to selective pressure on antibiotic resistance, so any frivolous use of antibiotics can and will contribute towards antibiotic resistance. I know that the bacteria have to subsequently escape to the environment and onward colonisation but it is still a risk.

Sent from underground
I keep a tick tool in every first aid kit. Even my simple cuts kit.
I also have a spray on tick deterrent, I think I got it from go outdoors. If I'm going to a place that may have ticks, I spray any exposed areas and my lower legs. I also wear long sleeves and trousers tucked into my socks. Light coloured clothing helps, you can see them a lot easier if they get onto your clothing, and it's easy to brush them off as soon as you spot them.
Precautionary measures are the first line of defence from these nasty little blighters, followed by diligent checking.
I think I have mentioned the one I got many years ago in a delicate place, which necessitated a very embarrassing hospital visit, so ladies be carefull where you go for a wild wee!
@Woody girl thanks for your knowledge on the ticks and yes your right some people think people who prep are a little over the top but when the water went off last summer i had over 300 litres store well the neighbours where happy , also when covid hit we keep around 1 to 2 years of loo rolls again some say over board i say i would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it .
I have ordered a few sets of the tick removal tools the proper ones the plastic just look nasty and i like stainless just because throw it in boiling water and bingo , i got the tweezers and they also do a little v shape lifter for ones that are to small to grip , we will be putting them in each medical box and the wife wants a set in the car grab bag medical and sweets bag , also she wanted one for the keyringing , i know our days of wood tramping and camping as such are mostly over but in a needs must again i would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it , i guess the boy scout in me comes to the top and also yes i recon a doc would say OCD lol but again if i do something it put my all in no point in half doing a job but again i am not throwing antibiotics at everything like you i have been for many year reading and learning what herbs do what and so on like yarrow for wounds and so on , but again thank you for the heads up on the tick the not knowing was why i asked , but again we own stocks in tcp savlon and germolene to name a few and have more wound wipes than most hospitals i wager lol .
I have printed out the little leaflet that lifesaver have as a download that says never twist a twist never use oils or anything else just a straigh steedy pressure until it releases not a sharp pull , life is a learning curve and i will never stop learning .
@gg012 i was not looking to offend and yes antibiotics are for use as and when but like i say i asked because i did not know if it would be a good use for the cream , again like i say we all live and learn my aim in life is to get threw it with casuing as little offence to others .

Well i think we will be covered o nt the tick front ,but anyone who like me does not know ask and the people here have good answers
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I live on the moors, lots of deer, sheep and dogs around, so it's tick central here! We are very used to dealing with them, almost on a daily basis.
It becomes automatic to check before bed each night, even if you've not been in the woods.
The red ring around the bite is the giveaway, and that means straight to the doc, or local hospital. No waiting.
Anyway, at least, now we have one more prep tick ed off eh DP? ;)
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On the subject of ticks we have 2 stary cats well spoilt cats now but thats a long story but a couple of years ago another came just after our first lady moved in a little boy came at winter sitting on the kitchen winter and tapping for us to feed him or let him in lol so as we had the one in i said no so we fed him outside and put a box out my neighbour had a big sehd that the foxes like to hid under and when i managed to get tappclose i could see he was covered i mean covered in what i knew were ticks but i had never dealth with them and read about careful removal and that a vet was best so we contacted a cat rescue they took him and he got sorted and a new home but last year well another young lady was in the garden hiding from us she was another kitten ill treated we think but we got her trust now well she is with us always in the garden she lives in the back porch as our other lady would not have her in the house but these cats are spoilt yup easy touch me , animals seem to know it , i never liked cats but well they wrapped me round their paws lol , but thank you for the info on the ticks again never having removed them i am glad i asked about what to do .
Thanks again for great info all , and yup it was something i would never have thought of until i read here , i guess i must smell bad ticks never got me all the years of playing on the farm in the woods and wild camping i guess as i say i must taste bad lol
I live in an area that is rife with ticks (partly due to the number of sheep present), but I've noticed a drop in numbers over the last couple of years. This could be due to the increasingly hot weather we have experienced as ticks can't survive in dry heat. I used to return from walks with a few on me, but have only had one so far this year.
(of course, I'm not advocating climate change as a remedy for ticks....)


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