Think I got gallstones ?

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Full Member
Aug 12, 2011
Up again at 3-4am and the pain is stupid " like me I suppose as dont like doctors but gonna gave to go and get some advise but really want it whipped out tbh. Anyone have any advise would be appreciated

All The Best , Stewart
Go to your doctor, no choice have you. Get it sorted, passing kidney stones is top of the pain chart, beating gout into second place and childbirth into third so go NOW.
Go to your doctor, no choice have you. Get it sorted, passing kidney stones is top of the pain chart, beating gout into second place and childbirth into third so go NOW.

And I've discovered so are stones in the saliva glands.
I totally agree with Riks pain guide!
I used to be in hospital for pain relief at least once a year while my kidneys went into spasm trying to evict the stones! I also used to carry Pethadine in my wallet at all times... luckily my herbalist has put me on a gloop that stops the stones forming and I have only had renal colic once in the past 10ish years that I have been taking said gloop.
An ancient treatment for Gall Stones was to drink a table spoon of 50/50 olive oil and lemon juice twice a day (it is rather pleasant - a bit like salad dressing) and when I was being investigated for Gall Stones I tried this - and no Gall Stones were found and the pain disappeared and has never returned. Others I know of have had similar results.
It may be coincidence and Herbal medicine sheer quackery and witchcraft (as some would have it) - but it works for me!
Definitely go to the doctor. My OH had a stone - we ended up in A&E in the early hours a few years back, and I've never seen pain like it. The sooner you get it sorted, the better. Not pleasant, but best dealt with. Good luck.
I have been reading about this Gallbladder flush, it also uses the oliveoil and lemon but 6 days of apple juice before and some epsom salts during the flush night, I dont know if its bumf but will probably give it a try myself
Gallstones arn't kidney stones ......................I've had the pleasure of passing 2 kidney stones so now know what it feels like to have your kidneys relentlessly squeezed in a vice for hours on end with no efficient pain relief (exept the opiates ;)). Gallstones are more serious than kidney stones as there can be life threatening complications.
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You dont know what you have ? Go to the doctor and get it checked out just to be safe.
About 10 years ago I woke up with a pain in my stomach, I thought I was just constipated, but after about an hour on the toilet with no result and the pain getting worse I was writhing on the floor in pain, and could not get comfortable in any position. I was taken to the hospital and they reckoned it was a kidney stone, gave me some drugs (dont know what) but they did help the pain. I was kept in overnight and made to drink lots of fluid (possibly just water, I dont remember). The following morning the stone was passed in to the bed pan and I was allowed to go home later that day. Thankfully it has never happened again.
They let me keep the stone, and I still have it, it's about the size of a grape pip (2mm dia). I couldnt believe something so small could cause so much pain.

Go and get it checked out.

Good luck !
During the cold war, some aspects of Russian Medicine were reputed to be way advanced compared to western medicine. One technique used for stones (I can't remember which type) was to use ultrasonic waves to break them up rather than organ removal.
During the cold war, some aspects of Russian Medicine were reputed to be way advanced compared to western medicine. One technique used for stones (I can't remember which type) was to use ultrasonic waves to break them up rather than organ removal.

That's the current protocol here. I didn't realize it originated in the Soviet Union but it doesn't surprise me, they were at one time, very far ahead of the West in Radial Keratotomy.
Guys I'm willing to try anything I've a bucket of lemons 2liters of gtx oil and doctored the microwave to work with the door open . Serious I went to a&e it was so bad and had a jab of pain relief and sent on my way to sort it either my local gp .

All The Best , Stewart
That's the current protocol here. I didn't realize it originated in the Soviet Union but it doesn't surprise me, they were at one time, very far ahead of the West in Radial Keratotomy.

Used here too (yep, we got electric in the UK now) but lithotripsy only works on smaller stones. Endoscopic/drug/surgery are the obvious treatments.

Is the pain still there?
Used here too (yep, we got electric in the UK now) but lithotripsy only works on smaller stones. Endoscopic/drug/surgery are the obvious treatments.

Is the pain still there?

TBH I don't know. I haven't had kidney stones. Just the stones I mentioned in my saliva glands, and YES, there's loads of pain there. That treatment involved dilating the opening with a syringe and trying to eject the stone.
Guys I'm willing to try anything I've a bucket of lemons 2liters of gtx oil and doctored the microwave to work with the door open . Serious I went to a&e it was so bad and had a jab of pain relief and sent on my way to sort it either my local gp .

All The Best , Stewart

Sorry to hear that. A GP can't diagnose a stone as you need x-rays & ultrasound to confirm the presence or no of a stone, A GP will refer you to a hospital for the tests should he/she suspects a stone. Try to get an emergency appointment with your Doc if the pain continues.
My dad had stones a couple of years ago - one minute he was walking up the drive the next he was on his knees in tremendous pain. Went to the hospital and they gave hime the choice of being operated on or staying in for a couple of days while they gave him some liquid which would apparently break it up. He didn't think being opened up was a good idea so oppted to stay in for a few days - It was over a chirstams so I suspect he wanted to stay in to get a bit of peace! - but one day he urinated out a load of grit, so that seemed to work.

Go to the doctor.

where is the pain front right or high mid back?

Until you know if its gall or liver, do not do a gall flush!!!! Gall flush is a naturopthic tool and needs supervision from a qualified practitioner, its not a toy, it is a medical procedure.

A gall flush needs a specific diet beforehand to soften the stones, dont do it via internet advice, that route lays disaster and lots of pain, possible blocked bile duct and emergency procedures in A&E.

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I trust that when you refer to a "qualified practitioner" you mean a qualified doctor, with access to the latest technology so that the real cause of the pain can be identified before treatment..........


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