There is a thief amongst us !!

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Yes, important to keep it in perspective. But I do know from experience even small thieving can be hard to deal with. I hope Lurch is doing OK. And I'd chip in as well. Chris
I thought you were going to say Lurch stole all of your money and replaced it with new shiney toys!

Errrr that too !! :)

To be fair this is only the second theft I know about in all the years I've been bushcrafting and I'd say 99.9% of people i've met are thoroughly decent folk who just want to share skills and swap stories and have a wee dram round the fire of an evening. It just always gets my back up when some scrote thinks they can take something when all the rest of us work hard and save up for what we want. The knife was a Spyderco Bug (pic below) and as Mark says it's not a "High Value" item but that isn't the point. He checked his stock and it was gone !

Lets not get this out of proportion.

How many were at this meet? did they all steal something? or half of them? or ten percent?

How many meets and how many people have attended those meets over the last few years? Have we ever felt the need of a thread saying "great news 100 strangers meet and no one steals anything". No? Why not? because that is normal.

I sincerely believe that the vast majority of people are good and the danger of a thread like this, as with the sort of fearmongering that goes on in the media, is that it sows seeds of doubt in peoples minds. The fear of theft is far more damaging than the theft itself, it's a few quid at trade price I would rather chip in for a replacement than see some crazed witch hunt.

It'snot a case of getting out of proportion.
I have some kit that I have scrimmped and saved to get ,and it is unlikely that it can be replaced easily.It only takes one opportunist to help themselves and it leaves a bad taste for a long time and a lack of kit for a long time.Lurch has let people see and play with his stuff and someone stole it,that is a breach of trust that will reflect on us all.Not out of proportion at all!!!
Well I reckon a spyderco bug which retails at £6.95 is probably around £4 trade and would far rather give Lurch the £4 than see everyone at that meet tarred in some way. I know it is not about the money you guys are all taking a moral stand, I am sure you must all be perfect moral upstanding citizens, probably never go over 70 on the motorway, up an insurance claim, drink too much, swear, or maybe all those things are OK and it's only stealing from your mates that is bad (as in the honour amongst thieves no stealing in the mob idea) I am not defending the act, it is a despicable thing to do, what I am saying is we can choose how we react to it. My belief is that it is best to keep calm and carry on, as maddave said 99.9% of folk are great. The media love to devote all their interest to the 0.1% but we don't have to.
Sorry to hear about this, if it's right then there's no excuse for it. It's not good to think there's dodgy folk about especially given all the nice sharps and shinies we leave around camp.

Fess up or just send it back anonymously

Hopefully though it'll turn up when Mark gets round to unpacking his gear.
Not good!

I hope that this turns out to have just got misplaced and found its way into a bag it shouldn't be in.
Hope it shows up soon and dosent mar what was overall a very good meet (and only my second)
A bit disappointing really but I didn't want to make a big deal about it. There was a Bug on the table, then there wasn't. I didn't sell it, it didn't fall off the table and it didn't get put in a box.
I remain philosophical, let's not let a wee thing like this spoil what was a cracking weekend.
As a newcomer to this community I can't express my surprise enough! All the time I've been hanging around here people have been so helpful and generous it would lead me to think this sort of behaviour just wouldn't happen ... very sad.
I think the rant is deserved mate. Cant believe any one of our lot could do it, but then, how well do you really know ANYONE.
I have just got home from the Middlewood meet and had a most excellent time....Apart from one thing. As many of you know Mark aka "Lurch" from Lakeland Bushcraft Trading takes time out from his weekend with his new family to come down and set up shop in his Lavuu so all us green clad folks can peruse his wares, try them out and purchase what we need without messing about with websites, postage etc. Mark has done this for a few years now and yesterday I was shocked and dismayed to learn that someone thought it was their right to take one of the knives from his display without paying for it. I think this is selfish, dispicable and downright low !! This is Marks LIVING!! You're not just taking something from him, but from his wife and new baby !! I don't know if the thief will read this or not, but if you are take a deep look inside, and if you find a glimmer of decency and righteousness perhaps you should pack the knife up again and send it back to
Lakeland Bushcraft Trading Limited
Unit 2A Derwent Mills Commercial Park
Cockermouth Cumbria CA13 0HT.

It's in your hands. Do you step up and be a decent person? or do you remain a thieving scumbag.

Remember.... What goes around comes around !!

I'm sorry if this is a bit of a rant , but to be honest i'm bloody furious... I HATE stealing !!
That is surprising, during the moot i regularly left my stuff unattended for hours. However I think it's important that we don't change our ways. We must not give in to our fear because it's one short step from a couple of things being nicked to people padlocking and strong boxing everything, and when I'm out and about with people from this site that's not what I feel I should have to do. There will be opportunistic thieves in any very large groups, statistically there has to be. If we let the fear of their existence change our ways they have won, and the day that not even the remote wilderness can be ventured into without fear of the common thief it is the day I lose faith in humanity. By all means keep an eye on your wares, even a close one. But please don't lose faith in the people of this site, I've met many of them and can't imagine a thief amongst them, but it happens and if we are to go about our hobby in the leisurely way we do sometimes we may take a loss.It's an extremely disappointing and sad price to pay sure, but our resolve must remain strong so as to shame the guilty or tempted with humility.

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. (Mark Twain)
A bit disappointing really but I didn't want to make a big deal about it. There was a Bug on the table, then there wasn't. I didn't sell it, it didn't fall off the table and it didn't get put in a box.
I remain philosophical, let's not let a wee thing like this spoil what was a cracking weekend.

Did it go while you were actualy in the tent with people mark?
I do understand robins point about how we handle this ourselves..Im worried about future meets already, and am already wondering about things i saw. At one point there was a guy in builders boots and a high vis jacket hanging around the big field near me, then a teenager carrying a white plastic bag was a busy site and i was pretty reluctant to leave my pitch, with it being probably the first one people walked past, and fairly invisable (wont do that again now ! ).
Well I reckon a spyderco bug which retails at £6.95 is probably around £4 trade and would far rather give Lurch the £4 than see everyone at that meet tarred in some way. I know it is not about the money you guys are all taking a moral stand, I am sure you must all be perfect moral upstanding citizens, probably never go over 70 on the motorway, up an insurance claim, drink too much, swear, or maybe all those things are OK and it's only stealing from your mates that is bad (as in the honour amongst thieves no stealing in the mob idea) I am not defending the act, it is a despicable thing to do, what I am saying is we can choose how we react to it. My belief is that it is best to keep calm and carry on, as maddave said 99.9% of folk are great. The media love to devote all their interest to the 0.1% but we don't have to.

I really think your missing the point it isnt the fact of the mone more of the loss of trust! In future when someone wants to handle on of his sharps he may think twice or even watch like a hawk and that could put some off. Whats the difference if it was a £7 bug or a £400 RM woodlore stealing is still stealing!!!

I really think your missing the point.....In future when someone wants to handle on of his sharps he may think twice

This is exactly the point I am making, I don't think we should think twice. I think we should trust people because people are trustworthy. If we make a big deal out of this the fear of theft kills a lot of the pleasure, there is a tiny tiny risk involved in trusting people, I do it all the time and the payback in good feelings all round far outweighs the very very occasional time when you get stung.
sorry to hear about this theft lurch, trouble is ive always left my gear about and its things like this that make you aware that you cant always trust everyone even in our community, so the person who stole this item should realise that its not the item or its price but the overall cost to the bushcrafting community as trust doesnt have a price, shame on you whoever you are for you will pay a higher price in the future fate has a way regards dave
The good folk way outweigh the rotters, I still have no qualms about leaving my kit under my tarp when I'm with members as there is always someone honest about that will notice someone who shouldn't be there. Sounds like this was a quick split second snatch not a premeditated sneak and rummage into Marks camp.
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