Looks like Chlorophyllum rhacodes
Shaggy parasol, looks like it when googled, Top man Simon SWMBO is now happy she knows what it is!
Looks like Chlorophyllum rhacodes
Ok, this is probably going to show up how little i know, but those things look damn similar to what i was describing!
Maybe a bit less Agaricus than mine, but like I said, i've been wrong before.
Melonfish, stop teasing and say what you think!
any ideas??
Poss. Agaricus xanthoderma for yours Melonfish - particularly so if it stains bright yellow on bruising/cutting. Are those spores prints a 'purplish brown' as they appear in the photographs?
Melonfish, your fungi seem exactly like my mystery ones, and growing on chippings too.
DMadden (love the avatar, by the way) - I thought Brown Roll-rim too. Not a nice thing to eat.
I have posted a few photos of some common woodland fungi that I found in my local woods near Stockport. They can be seen here -
I've named them as far as I can but I'd be grateful with any help in identifying them more accurately. You can leave a comment under the photos. Thanks.