"Don't poke your tummy button." said big sister to little brother in the bath. "That's where God blew you up!"
Small boy to elderly family friend, "Would you like to give my mum a birthday present? "
"That would be rather nice
What do you think she'd like ?"
"The recipe for these biscuits
", replied small boy with big smile full of milk and fresh homemade gingernuts
(The recipe is rather good, and I'll share if asked
Small boy (just aged 3) to rather stout lady, "When is your baby due ?"
"Well, actually Jamie, I'm not pregnant, this dress just makes me look a bit chubby
"Do you not think a good diet might help ? " was the terribly polite response.
cue mother cringing with embarassment
Watching a brown frog schlepping it's wet way through the garden, "Look mum! it's like elastic mud
On eating birthday cake, Andrew said, "That made my tummy smile
Lying on the grass next to the burn looking up at the sky through the trees, "Mum, look
Trees are everything
Water, wood, wind, sunshine, leaves, food, fuel, home.....the bairn was right