Decided this needed another hot wax bath, and glad I did. It's now taking on the colour that I originally wanted 
HalfGoat Leatherwork Stag Seax Rewaxed by Hamish Odinson, on Flickr
Having taken the seax out on several trips now I've discovered it's not as good a camp knife as i'd hoped. I'm used to doing everything with my kukri which functions a lot like an axe with a hefty punch. This is half as thin so doesn't have the weight, and due to the shape of the tang the handle has ended up pretty round so it tends to twist and turn in the grip when chopping. It's good for battoning and light snedding and feathersticks. But it will do just fine for the odd viking event or market when i need a large knife for processing firewood etc. And it was just fun to make

Having taken the seax out on several trips now I've discovered it's not as good a camp knife as i'd hoped. I'm used to doing everything with my kukri which functions a lot like an axe with a hefty punch. This is half as thin so doesn't have the weight, and due to the shape of the tang the handle has ended up pretty round so it tends to twist and turn in the grip when chopping. It's good for battoning and light snedding and feathersticks. But it will do just fine for the odd viking event or market when i need a large knife for processing firewood etc. And it was just fun to make