The perfect frying pan... suggestions

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I have had a Pathfinder pan for about three years now. I find it very good and would recommend it if you can get one.
I'm also on the hunt for the perfect skillet for meths/campfire cooking. I've ruled out aluminium and non stick versions due to their lack of robustness to wear n tear and heat, i'm also not a fan of the chemicals that they use for non-stick. Cast iron is too heavy for me ( I do use them at home and they're great as long as you dont have to carry them any distance). I have nearly ruled out stainless due to 'stickiness' but the Dave Canterbury video linked earlier does have me thinking and the pathfinder is an option. However pretty sure i'll be buying a blue/carbon steel pan and then curing it - likely either the Stabliotherm (LINK) or the Svartsjöpannan (LINK) are my current picks, both with folding handles capable of being extended with a stick. Finding one cheap is proving difficult though, most of the Swedish suppliers i have found put the cost (incl delivery) at about £50+ which for me is a bit too rich. The one on Thor's site looks decent as well but i'd prefer the folding handle for interested to hear from anyone who has either used the Swedish hunter pans or the Norwegian version re reviews. I'll defo consider a small wok too . Would also love to hear of a cheap supplier (haven't done the costings of Thor's yet). cheers.
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For the last thousand years, a plain carbon-steel, sheet iron wok has been the pan of choice for millions of people.
Over an open fire, the central hot spot is surrounded by rings of different heats to cook and hold different foods.
My three perform better than Teflon. Two could have simple branch handles added into the sockets.

Accessories you might want are:
a) gas ring for a kitchen stove top burner
b) solid lid to hold in steam for faster veg cooking
c) ladle for washing foods with broth or hot oils, making spun apple, etc
d) spider for fishing stuff out of broth or hot oil
e) long handle spoon (get fussy. You might want to have several.)
f) several branches of different lengths as handles.
g) I've found a source of little 6" veg/meat cleavers.
They need bevel work. Very, very convenient.
h) useful in many ways, a tempura rack which hangs on the edge of a wok

I would never think of buying any of this stuff in a big store.
Find the family "Mom & Pop" Asian grocery store.
China towns in Vancouver, BC and Melbourne, Vic. Grant St. in San Francisco.
Places like those.


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