Sourcing a LARGE cast iron frying pan?

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Nobody can tell me that a fry pan for about a thousand bucks and 44kg is a good deal.

Two or three cooking fires.
Two or three 16" sheet metal woks.
10 minutes and we have a feast.
Do you like cinnamon pork with 3 yr old plum sauce, chicken fried rice and curried prawn?
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I wonder who buys a 80cm diameter pan.
Muurikas were very popular in Sweden ( Scandinavia?) until recently. A fad, like a pasta machine and 99% of kitchen gadgets.

Too cumbersome to carry inside, ( which has to be done to clean), will rust like mad if kept outside.

And all food turns out the same more or less. A unappetizing mix.
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I cheat = I cook like a mad fiend in the kitchen and freeze the main dishes.
Load a Coleman for the forest camp.
The menu du jour depends on what thaws out first, second, etc.

I can't see the point of a BIG cast iron camp pan. With a bed of coals to cook on, I'd guess
that a respectable paella pan would cook for 2-4 people at a time.
I got a fabulous deal on a new Kitchen Aid griddle. $20 and new retailed for $140.
Call it a fry pan with no handles.
Covers 2 elements on my electric stove,weighs 13 pounds. I have not used it in a year+.
Ungainly. Hot everywhere for ages. Not much of a punt so I don't really care.
Thanks for all your suggestions. Thought I had email notifications turned on but apparently not, so only just seen them all.

A bit of background, the pan is for a summer camp I help with where the kids cook their breakfast on a campfire one morning. They are in groups of 8 plus 2 leaders so need to be fairly large to cook that amount of sausages, bacon and eggs in a reasonable time. We already have about 5 pans that are 55-50cm diameter and are looking for more (so I got my original measurement of 17" wrong...looking at closer to 22"). Yes they are heavy, and no I will not be carrying it anywhere!

Petromax look good and not too expensive, thanks for the heads up. Had been looking at the paella pans too, certainly easier to get one big enough.
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You might try commercial large size fry pans. They tend to be heavy gauge carbon steel and have a long handle. Military surplus may be an option too.
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If you do not want to spend much money, you can just get a used piece of flat steel.
Used oven trays are useful too. The nearest reclamation yard should be a good source.


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