So sorry for your loss. It just never gets easier. GSPs are great dogs; a bit hard-headed, but great pets and extemely good bird dogs.
There will be those who condradict me when I say, dogs knoe so muych more than we believe. I suspect one of the reasons Murphy got along so well with the new pup is that he knew his time was near and he was glad he wouldn't be leaving you alone.
They are, but they are hard work. Mine was issued to me in nevember 06 when he was 20months old, & i worked him until april 13, when i stopped being a dog handler(did 14yrs). They then took him off me, as he had such a good detection/arrest rate, they wanted him to keep working. However, i got him as he was difficult to handle, & he refused to work for anyone else, so i was allowed to retire him & keep him, i then finished in august, so we skipped of in the setting sun wagging our tails !
I feel your sadness, Swotty. Lost my big girl 10 months since and miss her every day.
My sympathies. Lost a few pets myself. Feel like an idiot over mourning an animal, but people don't realise. Lots of people have seemed to recently lost pets.
A lost pet animal sticky in your Buddys honour is what we need !