Ive used one of these all the time for years, I find it great and can get a decent edge on it. I'm due to replace it with the same again due to the amount I've used itDam it, purchased....I wanted to try one of these, as I primarily use a small belt grinder and water stones for my knives.... something different.
After waiting for 5 days after purchasing and the order status still saying 'Awaiting Fulfilment', It took me contacting Ordnance Survey today to find out that they have run out of stock and they will now commence the refund procedure which will take 5-7 working days.GSI Outdoor mini Espresso set. £20 down from £50.
Mini Espresso Set
Buy the most detailed & up to date maps of Great Britain as well as outdoor gear & accessories. One stop for hiking, walking, camping. Free postageshop.ordnancesurvey.co.uk
Same here!After waiting for 5 days after purchasing and the order status still saying 'Awaiting Fulfilment', It took me contacting Ordnance Survey today to find out that they have run out of stock and they will now commence the refund procedure which will take 5-7 working days.
Pretty poor way to conduct a business.
I also ordered it on the 9th, 5 minutes before I posted it here. I'd been waiting in excitement for it all week. All I got was 'Sorry for the inconvenience, you'll be refunded in 5-7 working days'. So I raised a complaint with the complaints department.Same here!The only reason I know is because I read your post, ordnance survey must have considered me unworthy of telling me themselves by email, ******* *******!! I ordered on the 9th. Nice way of earning interest on other people’s money. They’ll be getting a berating by email, in fact I’ve been considering whether it’s worth paying for their map service considering I only use it locally and have it on a paper map anyway, I only really use it because it shows you where you are, so……
I don't know if you know this, but you can use the Ordnance Survey layer on Bing maps for free. It just doesn't work on mobile device (unless you can turn on a desktop mode)Same here!The only reason I know is because I read your post, ordnance survey must have considered me unworthy of telling me themselves by email, ******* *******!! I ordered on the 9th. Nice way of earning interest on other people’s money. They’ll be getting a berating by email, in fact I’ve been considering whether it’s worth paying for their map service considering I only use it locally and have it on a paper map anyway, I only really use it because it shows you where you are, so……
Brilliant! I hadn’t heard of Bing. The ordnance survey layer seems to work on my iPhone, you can change the browser from mobile to desktop, so happy days. Thank you!![]()
My favourite torch company, I have loads of them, probably way too many to be honest. If you follow their UK group on Facebook, you can get really them really cheap. From long range spot light types, Coke can floods ( which you can get a handle from another company, which increases its versatility and comfort exponentially). The Coke can ones and the LT1 BLF large lanterns have tripod sockets on them. My favourite camping lanterns are the small version of this lantern, smaller than the one Nice 65 mentioned, the LT1 mini, which has full anduril functionality. I really can’t recommend Sofirn enough, I’ve probably got more than 20 of their different torches and lanterns. The ability to change from warm yellow to blue white light on their lanterns really is excellent!Sofirn LT1S lanterns cheap. These are handy things, I have a couple and use them loads. Great to be able to adjust warm to cool light and ramping brightness.
Sofirn LT1S Camping Light USB-C Rechargeable 21700 Lantern Powerful Torch 2700K to 5000K Power Indicator & Reverse Charge - AliExpress 39
Smarter Shopping, Better Living! Aliexpress.comwww.aliexpress.com
While we’re on, Sofirn IF22A. Proper old skool form factor and astonishing thrower. Well worth a punt IMO..
Sofirn IF22A LED Flashlight 21700 USB C 3A SFT40 2100lm 680M Throw Rechargeable Powerful Reverse Charging Torch Outdoor - AliExpress 39
Smarter Shopping, Better Living! Aliexpress.comwww.aliexpress.com
Sofirn LT1S lanterns cheap. These are handy things, I have a couple and use them loads. Great to be able to adjust warm to cool light and ramping brightness.
Sofirn LT1S Camping Light USB-C Rechargeable 21700 Lantern Powerful Torch 2700K to 5000K Power Indicator & Reverse Charge - AliExpress 39
Smarter Shopping, Better Living! Aliexpress.comwww.aliexpress.com
While we’re on, Sofirn IF22A. Proper old skool form factor and astonishing thrower. Well worth a punt IMO..
Sofirn IF22A LED Flashlight 21700 USB C 3A SFT40 2100lm 680M Throw Rechargeable Powerful Reverse Charging Torch Outdoor - AliExpress 39
Smarter Shopping, Better Living! Aliexpress.comwww.aliexpress.com
Lumens are only one side of the story, it depends on what you want it for, the beam profile, etc. The IF23 and the IF24 are excellent, I have both. At first, I was chasing a torch with the greatest lumens, but then discovered a whole world of differences and disappeared down the rabbit hole.Sofirn is awesome
but for only £8 more is the 4000lumen IF23, its very good value and so many features
Lumens are only one side of the story, it depends on what you want it for, the beam profile, etc. The IF23 and the IF24 are excellent, I have both. At first, I was chasing a torch with the greatest lumens, but then discovered a whole world of differences and disappeared down the rabbit hole.
The link price didnt last long, but it was £16.47 for the lanterns. To be honest, I rate Wurkkos over Sofirn. They consistently provide better build quality and better leds and drivers, Sofirn have only just tweaked the IF24 with a buck driver and a decent UI. I thought the IF23 did just about everything wrong, too big, confusing UI. The IF24 addressed the size by using an 18650 battery, the UI by using a rotary switch, and added a bit of fun to the RGB side light modes. It lives magneted onto the fridge in the camper where it gets a fair bit of use.Sofirn is awesome
but for only £8 more is the 4000lumen IF23, its very good value and so many features
The link price didnt last long, but it was £16.47 for the lanterns. To be honest, I rate Wurkkos over Sofirn. They consistently provide better build quality and better leds and drivers, Sofirn have only just tweaked the IF24 with a buck driver and a decent UI. I thought the IF23 did just about everything wrong, too big, confusing UI. The IF24 addressed the size by using an 18650 battery, the UI by using a rotary switch, and added a bit of fun to the RGB side light modes. It lives magneted onto the fridge in the camper where it gets a fair bit of use.
This picture also gets a fair bit of use
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Was posted on BLF lanterns section
LED Lanterns
Discuss anything about lanterns with LEDs. For traditional lanterns, please use the “Non-LED” category farther down.budgetlightforum.com
Also same person posted it over on reddit r/flashlight.
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