*The* Gift-It-On Thread

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I don't want to offend anyone, especially since although I have often perused this thread I've yet to be able to take advantage.

I think both Woodstock and Corso have a point.

I think previously some people have been too quick to voluntarily change an offer on display or maybe pressure another to do so. There are some members who only come online once a week or less, it wouldn't hurt to give some offers a chance at being taken.
However I also think that the thread in general is remarkably self regulating. It doesn't really matter how good or poor an item is, the worth of the item is to the person who wants it. If nobody wants an item that's put up then really it doesn't matter how good it is, it's worthless with regards this thread.
Also IMHO if the thread dies it will be the fault of the last person to post something up that nobody wanted... Not the people who didn't want the item on offer.

Best of luck.
Guys at the end of the day it's just a 'gift it on' thread...if no one takes what's on offer and the thread ends what does it matter?...it's obviously run its course. As I see it, it's supposed to be something fun and productive...this has all got a little too serious. What is the last gifter meant to do...give something away that he needs?... go and buy something acceptable in order to make things continue?..to my mind that runs counter to the original idea...you don't have to give to receive, why not pan this if it's not working and just open up a 'free to new user' thread

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All sorts of items have been gifted here. The original item was infact a little folding alloy shovel generously gifted on with the hope in mind items of no use to one can be given to someone who will have a use for it.

That's the point though, the original concept of the thread has slowly died off and now it's a near damned 'swap thread'. Which it was never meant to be. And! why many older members who'd taken in the past with the original spirit intact, no longer do. It's become a grabbing race.. which is inherently unpelasant to be a part of. Having that gut feeling your gift isn't 'good enough' to meet the needs of the new wave players is saddening.

(oh and I'm too fat for the shirt lol)

Give it a couple of weeks, no takers then their loss I guess. So either forget about it until you get a message asking for the item or just let the thread die. Not a big deal really, afterall like I said and I'm sure many people feel, the spirit has gone and that was the back bone of the thread.
All sorts of items have been gifted here. The original item was infact a little folding alloy shovel generously gifted on with the hope in mind items of no use to one can be given to someone who will have a use for it.

That's the point though, the original concept of the thread has slowly died off and now it's a near damned 'swap thread'. Which it was never meant to be. And! why many older members who'd taken in the past with the original spirit intact, no longer do. It's become a grabbing race.. which is inherently unpelasant to be a part of. Having that gut feeling your gift isn't 'good enough' to meet the needs of the new wave players is saddening.

(oh and I'm too fat for the shirt lol)

Give it a couple of weeks, no takers then their loss I guess. So either forget about it until you get a message asking for the item or just let the thread die. Not a big deal really, afterall like I said and I'm sure many people feel, the spirit has gone and that was the back bone of the thread.

I've benefited from this thread a few times and usually the item I've passed on has been of greater value than the one I've received but that's not the he point - Ive picked up something I could use and passed on something I wasn't using.
Woodstock has done just that and has offered more than one item - til you post an item you can't tell if it's going to be of use to someone or not. If no one wants what you've got to offer what are you supposed to do? Pass on something you do use? That doesn't make a lot of sense.
No reason the thread should fold just because we've hit a situation where someone doesn't seem to have anything anyone else wants - this was bound to happen at some stage. This thread was started in a spirit of generosity - the op passing on something he wasn't using. When we hit an impasse like this, I'm sure there must be someone who has benefited from this thread previously who can kick start it again by digging out an item they are not using and posting. Heck I'd be happy to do so myself but in the process of moving house so most of my kit is packed and items I wasn't using have gone to the charity shops. But if I come across anything while I continue packing ......
But not sure we're there yet! How about giving Woodstock a bit more time - might still be someone out there who could use the shirt but just hasn't seen it yet. We've got into a situation where this thread has become a mad grab and some folks get a bit impatient if we're not getting a new item each day!
If someone made a habit of grabbing good stuff and posting crap, we'd just ignore that guy and not pass things on to him but that's not what's happened here.
A couple of weeks seems like a reasonable max time for an item - after that some one else could kickstart the thread with an offering. After all that's the point isn't it - passing on something that might be useful to someone else. Getting something back is nice and helps to ensure generosity is not abused and it is a system that has worked well - but shouldn't necessarily be the motivating principle!
Sure not everyone will agree - just my two penn'th for what it's worth.
I thank you all for understanding where im coming from, and comments like these are hardly in the spirit of the thread. ( people are hardly picking and choosing. who here doesn't own a half dozen torches already and offering a jacket that probably doesn't fit a good percentage of the crowed isn't helping your cause either.

If you can't hack the fact you offer isn't of interest maybe don't play then you wont run the risk of being caught with the dead ball, this was after all supposed to be a bit of fun)
In you opinion you don't own this thread.

What exactly is you point? I'm lost, did you grab something and then panic when what you offered isn't snatched or are you making a stand against some perceived injustice?

If you'd just left the jacket up without comment no one would have called you out

but of course there'd be no drama in that....
You know what... I'm fed up with people moaning about the thread coming to an end because Mick won't offer up an alternative but not willing to do anything beyond that to keep the thread moving.

On that basis I'll do something in the hope it'll shut folks up and get the thread moving again

Pm sent, I have on offer a small lightway cree torch takes 3 aaa batteries, non zoom and black alu.body will try and find a pic.

Mick I'll take the torch if it's still available and I'll post something tomorrow when I feel up to having a root around the spare bits and pieces.
You know what... I'm fed up with people moaning about the thread coming to an end because Mick won't offer up an alternative but not willing to do anything beyond that to keep the thread moving.

On that basis I'll do something in the hope it'll shut folks up and get the thread moving again

Mick I'll take the torch if it's still available and I'll post something tomorrow when I feel up to having a root around the spare bits and pieces.

Steve I have sent you a pm.
In you opinion you don't own this thread.

What exactly is you point? I'm lost, did you grab something and then panic when what you offered isn't snatched or are you making a stand against some perceived injustice?

If you'd just left the jacket up without comment no one would have called you out

but of course there'd be no drama in that....

In fact I took something I had no great need for but nobody was interested in so I took it to keep the thread moving "fact".
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Guys, your both longstanding members, with decent post counts. Posts like these are beneath both of you.

I have a couple of bits not being used at home, i'll have a root around and post something up when I finish these nights on Monday morning. Off the top of my head I have a Laplander folding saw (used but still fine) that I don't mind moving on. I'm not looking to take anything in return, but if we could move this thread back onto the "lets offer things to newcomers" that it seemed to be started in, then happy days.

Core, crikey, mesquite your brave - you'd better put something good up or there'll be a lynching round here :)...
Actually Mick is right.

There is no reason why he should offer anything else up, especially as he's already offered a torch which no one wanted either.

If people want the thread to move on then why not do what I and several others have done in the past when the thread has stalled and take one for the team and accept the gift that's on offer and put something new up.

PM me your details Steve and I will get that in the post im sure you will be more than happy with it.
Sorry for the delay, had some personal issues crop up yesterday which had to be dealt with.

PM me your details Steve and I will get that in the post im sure you will be more than happy with it.

I'll drop you a PM shortly Mick.

My offer is a Zippo style light.

As you can see it's in used condition and not been used for quite some time so it's dry inside but it still worked fine when I dropped some fuel on the wick and sparked it up.





We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.