The Covid19 Thread

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I was reminded when that poor lady dies and her colleague hospitalised after a lout deliberately coughed in their faces on Victoria station.

Just makes me want to revoke people citizenship to this country. What kinda mentality of Culture breeds that sort of thinking? Don't get it.
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Is lockdown being lifted too soon?
I know we are all champing at the bit to go out and get on with our lives, but infection rates are still several thousand new cases a day. Lifting lockdown now will just cause rates to soar again , then we will get another lockdown and things will last even longer.
Even the people who advise the government on the pandemic are saying this is like lifting the lid on a boiling pan, and it needs to be a simmer before we do this.
I must admit I agree.
I understand we cannot all hide forever and lockdown fatigue is affecting everyone in many negative ways. But surely, a couple more weeks untill it was more under control would not do as much damage as lifting the restrictions too early.?
I too am champing at the bit, but I realy think this is a rather short sighted action.
For some it's worth the risk and no big deal, but not for everyone.
Is the sacrifice of the older and more vunerable worth it?
Do you want to see your parents and elders locked down for months more just so you can go back to a normal life?
Hard questions.
On the list (second tier) for the antibody testing they are starting next week

should have mine mid June - will finally find out if, as i suspect I had it in december...
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On the list (second tier) for the antibody testing they are starting next week

should have mine mid June - will finally find out if, as i suspect I had it in december...
A lot of people think they had it much earlier in the year... but where we're the deaths?
Just a thought.
Hope you get the result you want Corso.
My gut is telling me it’s being lifted to soon for favour Of the economy, and that in itself brings its own set of concerns, also now there’s things brewing stateside I hope we don’t have a situation like we did in London/ Manchester with riots spillover etc, so I’ve been thinking about getting ready for a second peak,
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Dad had what seemed to be mild flu in the winter.

after he had his flu jab.

I think this is the year of odd flus.
My gut is telling me it’s being lifted to soon for favour Of the economy, and that in itself brings its own set of concerns, also now there’s things brewing stateside I hope we don’t have a situation like we did in London/ Manchester with riots spillover etc, so I’ve been thinking about getting ready for a second peak,

Me too! It's far far from over and there is a lot of unrest all over the world.
I'm very concerned for what is to come.
I'm turning into a prepper propper now!
I know I can't be prepared for everything but I'm doing my best. Still have lots of holes in my preps but each week I get another one or two sorted as best I can.
Keeping hopeful though each day I see more problems and worry a little. Stay safe out there folks.
Keeping calm and carrying on!
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The bottom line is we’re going to have a second wave no matter when restrictions are lifted. At least until there’s a vaccine. Many small businesses have already gone tango uniform and more will follow. The saddest thing about that is that the big box stores and chain restaurants, etc, will not only survive but will further drive out the mom & pop competition. Unfortunately poverty kills just as dead as illness.

Add to that the fact that most people ignore restrictions regarding not visiting family and friends anyway.
I know, we don’t have a vaccine for SARS and that was a decade ago, so if there’s a vaccine all of a sudden il be wearing my critical thinking hat. One thing is for sure woody girl, we’re bloody good at adapting, we’ll be alright.
That’s the other thing: despite the wishful thinking I believe a vaccine is at best 2 years away and more likely much later than that.
A lot of people think they had it much earlier in the year... but where we're the deaths?
Just a thought.
Hope you get the result you want Corso.

I almost don't want to go down this rabbit hole again but if you have a dig around the data and look at late 2019 and now

Truely consder who is acutually dying 'of' the virus and who is dying 'with' the virus the numbers will mirror a realtivley slow transmission peak and if its new it will go medically unnoticed.

Noone gets tested for something they don't know about and C-19 and standard pneumonia look very similar when somone rolls into an A&E department
Take your chances I had corona virus probably fell into the mild+ symptoms? I never went out from 20th March misses off work for 2 weeks then she went back to work NHS about the 25th April started to get head ache I don't even get hangover, 29th April will had the opportunity to be tested at Stansted airport on the !st of May misses said check your txts Dear MR lala you have tested positive for Corona virus that when it went down hill head ache fever temp 38.5 chills worst back ache I've ever had, hip joint just seized up and if you tried to move it would make you cry, then tom tits for 17 days couldn't even look at food was eaten 1 or 2 peach slices a day drinking diarylated drinks for fluids, then hallucinating one night I got out of bed and stamped my leg on the floor it woke the missus up she said what are you doing I said oh some one cut my foot of and it's in a block of ice and I just stamped on it to fix it back on got back into bed and slept, slept most of the time just getting up to either change the sheet cause of the sweating or to go to the toilet lost 11/2 stone, good new recovering slowly now the missus didn't have half the symptom's I had and started to recover probably 7-10 days before me only problem she has lost her taste and smell and it might take months to come back if it ever does. So ladies and Gentlemen take care it's invisible, you don't really need a test to see if you got it you will know. We were lucky.
I'm not sure if we've come out of lock down too early or not.
What I do know, is that I would be in favour of whatever measures it would take to keep all those people who have been going out to the quiet and serene countryside and polluting it with their noisy children, garishly coloured Asda picnic sets, wearing pastel polo shirts and M&S tailored shorts - people who normally wouldn't go into the countryside and are only there because their over-privileged, over-indulged kids who are wazzed off their tits on sugar can't go out to play with their friends, and mum and dad can't go and buy a load of tat from Homebase or other out-of-town soulless shopping estates.
Whatever it takes to bring that situation to an end gets the thumbs-up from me.
I was looking forward to being able to camp again. But I will be staying away from campsites for sure.
I don't want to camp with screaming kids kicking balls on to my tent.
I'm sure even the smallest of sites will be full of useless first time campers that sit up half the night drinking and shouting.
It will be hell.
My favourite local site is fully booked already. It is always very quiet and few people around. Even in July and August. My heart is sinking more and more each day. It's hard to be positive.
I do appreciate everyone needs to get out and enjoy themselves a bit . But it will be hellish for rural touristy areas like the southwest despite the need to open up business. I fear being swamped with them spreading the lurgy in our area. It makes it more dangerous for locals too.
It's such as nasty mess.
I'm not sure if we've come out of lock down too early or not.
What I do know, is that I would be in favour of whatever measures it would take to keep all those people who have been going out to the quiet and serene countryside and polluting it with their noisy children, garishly coloured Asda picnic sets, wearing pastel polo shirts and M&S tailored shorts - people who normally wouldn't go into the countryside and are only there because their over-privileged, over-indulged kids who are wazzed off their tits on sugar can't go out to play with their friends, and mum and dad can't go and buy a load of tat from Homebase or other out-of-town soulless shopping estates.
Whatever it takes to bring that situation to an end gets the thumbs-up from me.
The problem we have in our village is now we can't go anywhere because we're overwhelmed with people who don't live here and have no regard for social distancing, they've been blocking lanes with parking, using fields as toilets and leaving litter everywhere. I have never seen it as busy as the last two weekends. The whole lockdown thing is being disregarded by what seems to me a large proportion of the population any trip to a shop proves this....I can't believe there are elements that aren't taking it seriously. My dad lives in Weston-super-mare and the virus has spiked there, I've just seen a post from a friend in Blackpool saying the same...the way I see it is that this is due to tourists going to the places from areas of high infection. Why we didn't do the same as Wales plan to and limit travel to 5 miles keeping areas more contained is beyond me.

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The problem we have in our village is now we can't go anywhere because we're overwhelmed with people who don't live here and have no regard for social distancing, they've been blocking lanes with parking, using fields as toilets and leaving litter everywhere. I have never seen it as busy as the last two weekends. The whole lockdown thing is being disregarded by what seems to me a large proportion of the population any trip to a shop proves this....I can't believe there are elements that aren't taking it seriously. My dad lives in Weston-super-mare and the virus has spiked there, I've just seen a post from a friend in Blackpool saying the same...the way I see it is that this is due to tourists going to the places from areas of high infection. Why we didn't do the same as Wales plan to and limit travel to 5 miles keeping areas more contained is beyond me.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk
Totaly agree. It's a( insert any word you fancy) shambles!
I'm loosing faith I human beings. Self self self , poor me ive been stuck at home since march seems to be the song of freedom.
Lemmings the lot of them!
The C'mings fiasco hasn't helped one single bit. Now they have a legitimate excuse to do whatever they want. I daily see people flouting the rules in my own street all through the whole thing. People are getting aggressive too. It will all end in tears.
Over 38,000 dead and still climbing and 8-10,000 still being diagnosed daily just doesn't seem to compute in people's brains.
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I'm not sure the Cummings thing gives them a legitimate reason but people will use it as such.
My wife's just returned from getting milk in the next village's shop. Had to ask one lady to step back as she was really close, a bloke barged into her and there was some youths meeting up outside hugging each other....second wave will be here soon.
Never have I had such little faith in a government.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk
My gut is telling me it’s being lifted to soon for favour Of the economy, and that in itself brings its own set of concerns, also now there’s things brewing stateside I hope we don’t have a situation like we did in London/ Manchester with riots spillover etc, so I’ve been thinking about getting ready for a second peak,

And to distract the attention from a certain incident involving an unnecessary journey to a SmithKline Beecham headquarters.
Yeah! Give them some sweeties to stop them crying!
A tactic often used by parents who don't know what else to do... and I must admit to being in that last category myself on the odd occasion. As I'm sure most of us have been if we are honest... but at least lives were not at risk!
I'll stick with lockdown for a while longer. Nobody is waiting for Monday, and it just puts people at risk. I get the argument what difference does a day or two make but realy it's selfish behavior. We've all been told to wait but there is a lot who just won't. Police are powerless pretty much.
I too have had to tell people to back off in the local shop and had rude replys and been ignored... almost exclusively men I will add. (Sorry fellas. I'm not having a pop at men just stating a fact)
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I know we don’t do politics here and for good reason, but I don’t buy the cunmings incident, I think it’s another distraction tactic, I think it’s been smoke and mirrors from the start, they locked us down to late gave us misinformation and now everyone else is easing so we can’t look weak by keeping our lockdown, they ran a pandemic scenario in 2016 and when they pressed the gov they refused to release the data, Built 8 huge hospitals that are standing empty, hopefully not for what’s next to come, - that’s all the political opinions you’ll hear from me, sorry lol :poke: :headbang:


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