I'm still toying with my design and assembling some key pieces that took some tracking down whilst I got distracted by other projects ( Magpie brain )
I'm intending to take my in more of a paludarium type route - so I have a 500 mm glass bell cloche with a diameter of 235 mm .
Just secured a glass 230mm flat topped round bowl with a depth of 130mm
I want to have the large bell cloche sit over the top of the flat topped bowl , this should then allow me to fill the bowl with some water and have a mixed view point of under water and over water plant life ( #fancy )
The next thing I'm contemplating is something I am very out of my comfort zone upon and that is wildlife.
I think it would be great to have something alive in the bottom water filled bowl for colour and movement.
From what I've seen the obvious choices seem to be Shrimp ( more colourful varieties than I first imagined ) , Small fish , and potentially - Frogs
But I have no idea if I'm pushing the envelope too much for an initial project.
Any seasoned sweats here that can offer advice?