Teddy Tours Tuesdays Tea


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
I’ve transferred the photo’s over to my Blog :- http://teddytourteas.blogspot.com/2011/01/x2-days-late.html
as I do not like the loss of control over the photo’s,

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I regard the photo’s as my property, that I want to share with BCUK,
but finding I can’t access them, because of “restricted access,” I’ve transferred them to where I can
thanks for your time Danny.

With Tuesday, 11-1-11, down as the only fine day this week I took some rump steak out of the freezer last night and gave it a bash with the mallet this morning before packing up and setting off - Thornton – West Marton – Settle – Langcliffe – Cowside – Henside – Streets – to park at Langscar Gate SD 88800 – 64886 this is where I crossed the road to join the Pennine bridleway on the 8-12-10 http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65396&highlight=
there was rather more snow just over a month ago ! Walked up to the Stockdale crossroads

this was the gate hole on the 8-12-10

and today

last month I’d been looking for the mined cave

but the snow covered clints and grikes were just too dodgy being out on my own, so it turned into a bridleway navigation tour. Today though I made it to the cave which was worked by the miners from the near by mines on Pikedaw hill these were copper and lead mines and calamine (zinc carbonate) which was used in the Staffordshire brass industry there were also local coal mines, on a small scale.
at the cave entrance

with a convenient ledge to set up on

Tea up

Steak on, home made bread waiting and 2007 Campo Viejo Rioja again (they’re on offer at Sainsbury's at the moment and it’s cheaper to buy the wine in small bottles rather than the same volume in large ?)

Looking to the back of the cave the passage disappears off into the dark but it looks a low wet crawl

Malham Tarn from the cave entrance

I then made my way across the moor back to the van and drove down into Malham then on to Kirkby Malham where I took the Settle road over the tops.Just before I started to drop down to Scaleber Force I stopped to photograph the Lake District

with Pendle Hill to the left
ght see http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59458&highlight=

dropping down to Scaleber Wood at SD 84080 - 62594

with the waterfall 80 yards away

at the Force

and OK without the Bear

looking downstream

and a view from the top of the fall looking down

and a final look at the Lake District from Scaleber Wood

just thought I’d share – cheers all Danny
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Jan 30, 2010
Three Counties
Fantastic pictures Dan. The picture quality is stunning. Interesting knife too. Is it the one you got from BCUK? I'd be grateful to know where you got the tongs too. I've been looking for some lightweight ones just like that - Morrisons or Ikea?


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Fantastic pictures Dan. The picture quality is stunning. Interesting knife too. Is it the one you got from BCUK? I'd be grateful to know where you got the tongs too. I've been looking for some lightweight ones just like that - Morrisons or Ikea?

knife is from a file, super job from laundich1 (first reply above) just what I wanted and sharp. I've another very similar if not more polished from Everything Mac but due to a mix up on my part it came unsharpened and it's such a great knife I don't want to mess it up, when I manage to get it sharpened (I might even send it off) I'll do a review
The tongs were from Boundry mill Colne and they're that handy for fliping eggs and stuff in the frying pan as well as teabagging I went to get some more but they were sold out :( if I find any more I'll post though they don't look rocket science to make ;)
cheers Danny


Dec 15, 2005
The tongs were from Boundry mill Colne and they're that handy for fliping eggs and stuff in the frying pan as well as teabagging I went to get some more but they were sold out :( if I find any more I'll post though they don't look rocket science to make ;)
cheers Danny

Ahh Boundary Mill, my mothers second home :)

I'm pretty sure they sell those tongs in Morrisons


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
Its utterly disgusting that you have access to such a wonderful landscape so readily. not to mention the time to go.
i need a lottery win pronto and i can set myself up between there and the lakes and just spend the rest of my life hiking and soaking in the scenery (with a teddy)
pete ;)


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Danny, another great post, Kids loved pic's 14 and 15, ive just been asked by my eldest can i take one of her Teddy's with me next time im out, so if you dont mind(dont want to steal your copyright) as a one off to keep her happy i will take one to the Beach camp im organising. Though i must say it wont be eating steak and wine, it will have to make do with boil in the bag and a brew.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.