Please forgive me if I touch any raw nerves here but I dislike the concept of "prepping." It isn't because I am against being prepared, it because of the totally different mindset communicated by "preppers." I've been called out on my criticisms on other forums but hopefully others here may be more sympathetic to my point of view.
As I hear preppers, they are getting ready for the end of the world, the total breakdown of civilization, another great war of Northern aggression, an invasion by either aliens, terrorists or the tyrannical United States Army or something like that. Things will happen, to be sure, only I don't think those are legitimate things to be prepared for. Moreover, they never sound like people you'd want living near you under any circumstances. Of course, they're going to "bug out" when "the balloon goes up" anyway, so maybe you won't have to worry about them when something really happens.
So what's going to happen?
The same things that have been happening with some frequency, if not regularity, for as long as people have been living wherever you live. Floods, tornados, hurricanes, power outages, snow storms, strikes, droughts and I don't know what all. You can bet they'll all happen again sooner or later. Those are things you have to prepare for. Usually the county government will have information on being prepared because they've been through it before, over and over again, and they are the ones who usually have to do the most to cope with problems. Just don't wait until you start seeing snow flurries.