Suffolk Bushcraft Group

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
I am thinking about going out this Sunday for an overnighter as I got Monday off, any one interested?

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Xmas Get Together, so the time draws near, so far we have, shame no one else would like to join us,

1. Stu
2. Paul
3. Tony

What I am now thinking is we should start to get the list together what we are bringing, Tony can you bring your Dutch Oven, and the metal stakes you have,

Gridle - Stu
Nest of Billys - Stu
Kettle - Stu
Colman Lamp - Stu
Water Carrier - Stu
Large Tarp to make Group shelter - Stu

Food wise what do you think, I am thinking perhaps,

Bit of Beef for the spit.
Potatoes for Roast and Mash
Bacon Wrapped Sausages

Pie Mince/Apple/Rhubarb

Cheese and Biscuits and some Port for the eve following ?

Bacon, Sausage, Egg, Mushrooms, Chips, Beans. Fried Bread.

What you think, how do we want to do the food?

I would like to be at Orchards for Midday, this allows plenty of time to set up , get things cooking, and get the large Tarp up, so leave Ipswich at 11:30 am?


Mar 7, 2012
Paul will bring;
Parsnip surprise
Xmas pudding & Custard
Cheese n crackers

3 metal stakes for a tripod

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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
After reading about Orchards being flooded on here, I'll Phone Alan tomorrow morning, and find out the low down, last time we were there it was boggy , but ok at the area we used, if it is flooded, then we will move to our normal place.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
well I've confirmed with Alan that Orchards, woodland area is under water..... so off to the woodbridge area


Oct 16, 2009
Ipswich, Suffolk
Hi guys, just thought I'd 'pop in' and say hello. In truth I'm more of a wild-camper than a bushcrafter, but would hope to come along to some of the overnighters you guys do in 2013. I'm out of the UK till mid-feb, will check in and see what you're all up to on my return.

I recently posted on another thread about suffolk/essex camp spots but I'll repeat it on here, the Stour and Orwell estuaries offer excellent wild-camp potential. I do a lot of canoe camping up and down both estuaries and never get bothered. There's good tree covered banks for hammocking, and camp fires are fine, as long as you build them on the shore, and not on the banks.

Anyway, more power to yer elbows, will get in touch when I get back to UK.


Mar 7, 2012
Xmas dinner in the dutch oven was amazing, pudding was great and the bottle of wine went down well. Now lying in my hammock watching the fire while big Stu rocks his hammock just by the power from his brussel sprouts lol
Good times

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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Got back from the night out, nice night, same it was only Paul and I, shame you could not make it Tony, hope things get better, we got to the site at about midday, set up and just bimbled about, made a tripod for the Dutch oven, which I had brought earlier in the day, collected woo, and set the fire, the roast dinner, with Xmas cake an custard was great, the weather was good to us with a light shower, and was not to cold, got up in the morning had a big fry up broke camp, and went home...

2012-12-29 14.20.27.jpg
Roast now in the pot.... sit back and wait

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2012-12-29 16.48.15.jpg

2012-12-29 17.25.56.jpg
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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Well, after the success of the last meeting, lol.

Thinking of seeing about one at Orchards on the 3rd of Feb depending on of course the flooding Issue....

who's up for it, and who's ready for it?

Be good to see some new faces.
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Mar 7, 2012
568 708941

Wickham Bishops, Essex

As anyone from that neck of the woods will tell you, there's far more to Essex than Dagenham. Indeed, travel to the north of the county and the countryside is positively Suffolkian.

And in case you are in any doubt about just how bucolic it can get, for a small fee Bouncers' owner Ann will collect you from Witham station in her pony and trap. Her campsite is spread across a smallholding boasting seven acres of woods and just 10 pitches, so there are plenty of nooks and crannies to hide away in. You can even bring a hammock and string it up between the 300-year-old trees.

No tent? No problem. There are two large tents available, or you can splash out on the two Gypsy caravans and cook your supper in the cauldron over an open fire. Just one word of warning – if it's peace and quiet you're after, you might want to avoid 9–10 July, the one weekend a year when the site plays host to open-air opera.

Easter–Oct and Christmas/New Year; from £12 per pitch per night (1 adult), £4 per extra adult per night, £3 per child (under 16) per night, pre-erected tents from £20 per night, Gypsy caravans (sleeps up to 5) £80 per night; 01621 894112
Oct 30, 2012
568 708941

Wickham Bishops, Essex

As anyone from that neck of the woods will tell you, there's far more to Essex than Dagenham. Indeed, travel to the north of the county and the countryside is positively Suffolkian.

And in case you are in any doubt about just how bucolic it can get, for a small fee Bouncers' owner Ann will collect you from Witham station in her pony and trap. Her campsite is spread across a smallholding boasting seven acres of woods and just 10 pitches, so there are plenty of nooks and crannies to hide away in. You can even bring a hammock and string it up between the 300-year-old trees.

No tent? No problem. There are two large tents available, or you can splash out on the two Gypsy caravans and cook your supper in the cauldron over an open fire. Just one word of warning – if it's peace and quiet you're after, you might want to avoid 9–10 July, the one weekend a year when the site plays host to open-air opera.

Easter–Oct and Christmas/New Year; from £12 per pitch per night (1 adult), £4 per extra adult per night, £3 per child (under 16) per night, pre-erected tents from £20 per night, Gypsy caravans (sleeps up to 5) £80 per night; 01621 894112

Have you used this site mate? I was looking at it but it has some VERY mixed reviews......


Jul 28, 2011
Suffolk, UK
Stu, Sorry for not getting back to you about the Xmas do. I was a work for a chunk of time at Christmas. If you are organising a 3rd Feb trip to the Orchards site then I might be able to make it.

Only thing is I'd probably have to cadge a lift from Colchester or Ipswich (release conditions given we are a one car household).


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.