Suffolk Bushcraft Group Daniel Boone Challenge 20th and 21st September 2013


Jun 21, 2012

I am looking forward to join you for the Daniel Boone challenge on 20th and 21st. Ngaio is staying home with children, as perhaps it would be a bit of challenge having a three year old and three months old with us. Though, not impossible:) However, they will drop me off on Friday and they very much would like to see Colin again and meet you all before they depart for home, if this is not inconvenient.

Colin, I was just reading through the thread and noticed that in July you purchased a blanket I used in the Serbian army. Very good blankets. Shame we did not meet earlier, I could find you one for few pounds. Next time:)
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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012

I am just reading through the thread and noticed that you purchased a blanket I used in the Serbian army. Shame we did not meet earlier, I could find you one for few pounds. Next time:)

Hi Andor welcome to the thread, and how are you, I think this may well be an interesting weekend, bringing out some good an less used skills for some.. I know some people may not have all the kit.. I knwo that i am still working on getting more of the clasic kit, next thing will be a canvas tarp.. :).

There may well be a few more blankets purchaed, if the bush shirt thread is somthing to go by :),


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London

I am looking forward to join you for the Daniel Boone challange on 20th and 21st.

Colin, I was just reading through the thread and noticed that in July you purchased a blanket I used in the Serbian army. Shame we did not meet earlier, I could find you one for few pounds. Next time:)

Glad you can join us Andor. Funnily enough I bought two. They each weigh about 1.8 kilos and seem to be very warm.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012

I am looking forward to join you for the Daniel Boone challange on 20th and 21st. Ngaio is staying home with children, as perhaps it would be a bit of challange having a three year old and a three months old with us. Though, not impossible:) However, they will drop me off on Friday and they very much would like to see Colin again and meet you all before they depart for home, if this is not inconvenient.

Colin, I was just reading through the thread and noticed that in July you purchased a blanket I used in the Serbian army. Very good blankets. Shame we did not meet earlier, I could find you one for few pounds. Next time:)

I ve added you to the list, that is no problem for them to say hi, think this could be a chilled event, with time to chat.. :), you all would be welcome at a montly meet.. thats if they dont mind really basic :)

I cant see no problem with them even having a walk up to teh woods we use, to have a walk about :)

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Well after many moons of wondering what to take for this challenge I still have not decided.. one things for sure after the last two mornings think I may well and an extra blanket to my bed roll.......

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Guess who's just got a pair of us air force moccasins arrive in post.

Haven't had time for my own moccs (too many other things in way) so these will be ideal. Very comfortable so far. Need a couple pairs of thick socks in em but they're brilliant

I will have to have a look see at them :)...
Good luck they are as rare as rocking horse poop :)
Hence why I grabbed em despite being over bushy budget for month. ...

Havin pottered around house garden and up to garage I'm well pleased with em. Just not the white canvas uppers....need me some canvas dye but thats not vitally important in the grand scheme so I can always do that after challenge


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.