Arrows and quiver looking brilliant John. Also looking good your self there old bean.
I don't think that's above your skill level John.I just need a "Stone Age" bow now! Either a willow one (based on the Star Carr one) or a 6' yew one (based on Otzi's) but both are beyond my skill level!
Bowyers here have apparently tried some willow species and found it wanting as bow wood. Personally I have not tried. Most seem to have an opinion that it would be a childs fast made bow not a real one, because of the length some commented that maybe it is just a work practise bow again not a real one. I don't know but numbers say that it probably would not be a good choice.
Interesting, in what style?Goat willow will make a capable bow, very capable.
I struggle telling goat from crack ... man that sounds weird!
Interesting, in what style?
Goat (Salix caprea) has ovate leaves; Crack (Salix fragilis) has long more willow-like)) leaves.
It's interesting that the archies at Star Carr couldn't distinguish between willow and poplar from the material they found let alone between willow species! (though they are both from the Salicaceae family).
I struggle telling goat from crack ... man that sounds weird!