Stolen Archery Gear


Full Member
Feb 13, 2010
Not something that's happened to me but thought I'd share so people can keep an eye out

Unfortunately Grundisburgh Scout Group (Suffolk) have suffered a second break-in between 7th/9th October and more archery equipment has been stolen. The first theft was at the beginning of September this year when a very small skylight was ripped out from the roof of our archery container, the hole was just big enough to get a hand down and
6 bows were taken from the top shelf. The total loss being approx £300.
They were unable to get into the main doors as there was an iron bar screwed on the front, also graffiti was left on the container.
The Police and Scenes of Crime Officers attended.The skylight was repaired from underneath and the bar re-screwed.
At 5pm on Thursday 9th October Stuart found the bar had been completely cut in two and the doors open.
A considerable amount of equipment had been taken namely: Compound Bow, (which Grundisburgh had won at the National Archery Championships), 144 Lightning Arrows, Arrow Pots, Silver Platinum Arrows, Cartel Stand and Pole, Blue Easton Archery Bag, Sight and Release Aid, 40lb Wooden Draw Bow, 36lb Wooden Draw Bow, various Archery accessories and a Metal Detector.
Overall total being approx. £1,600

Stealing from scouts isn't cool.
If anyone sees any of this stuff for sale anywhere, please inform Suffolk Police


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 24, 2009
Sorry to hear of this, stealing from anyone is not nice. I'll leave it at that as this is a family forum!
I hope they had insurance and/or recover it.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.