Stew's Works in Progress!

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I think so…

Early on at playing at forging, I didn’t see the point in taking a nice flat bar of steel, knocking it around and mangling it to then grind it so it was all flat again.
Integrals out of round stock made more sense and I’ve attempted the style a few times. I don’t think I’ve ever successfully finished on yet though.
This needs a load of bringing but I’m relatively happy with it and think I can make something usable!
I'll look forward to seeing the finished blade :)
After fitting my new garage door last weekend, I had chance to do some sorting and have come across some(!) knives. I doubt I’ll be back at any real making any time soon but there a few I might consider working on.

This one is quite a significant knife for me. The blade was the first handmade piece I ever bought, along with a blacksmiths one piece knife, direct from Trond.

I’ve made quite a few knives by now but for this one, it is at least the third attempt at a handle. The first was way too ambitious for a first attempt though I think I could have rescued it now. The second suffered a split and this one, I’ve taken too much off the rear!!

It’s cow bone for the bolster, yellow mallee burr for the spacer and ironwood at the back.


I need to get the crayons out but I think I need to just commit to chopping a section off the back and sticking a bigger bit of something on. What that is, I’m not too sure.

To me, it needs to look different enough but not odd (I don’t have any more yellow mallee to match)



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.