You Tube. Look up How It Should Have Ended. fantastic for Star Wars and both Marvel and DC. Very funny.
A wise friend told me that if people objectively held the original trio (IV, V, VI) to the same critical standard that they have held all the others to, they would be less impressed.
Time changes many things. When I first watched the prequel trio, Ja-ja annoyed the bejezus out of me, but I was happy enough with the story, and thought the special effects were good. Re-watching the prequels after watching the sequels, Rogue1 and Solo I am much less annoyed by JaJa, not just relatively speaking. Now I would put Solo as the worst of the films and the prequels being on par with the sequels for quantity and quality of absurd plot devices, gimmicks and inexplicable holes.
The advantage the original trio has is that they were filmed without needing to make tie-ins to earlier or later work. The prequels really suffered from having to tie in with events already set in film.