Small Forest Axe


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
No one has said that mentioning a good cheap source for goods is not allowed, if you read through the posts on the site there are probably hundreds of examples of members doing exactly that, and many members have benefited from it. However, that is a far cry from the forum being used as advertising space for a company. Until I decide otherwise this will not happen. I do not want conflict on the site and everyone rubbing their hands waiting to see who the victor is so that they can get a bargain. The bargain is just as available to the members if someone puts up a post saying that they have seen a good deal at so and so, from then on deal with the company off the forum. By all means let people know what you find, how you were treated etc

The forum is a place for like minded individual to get together, not a place for people to take advantage of our work so that they can make a buck. You’re right, that may be advantageous to the odd member but on the whole it will be damaging to the forum because it will degenerate into war between the companies.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 7, 2003
pteron said:
Why would it affect the board or website? It exists as a resource for those interested in bushcraft. Such users need kit. A reduction in price of the kit benefits the users.

Dont forget, it cuts both ways. Here we have a concentrated commumity of people, all interested in certain types of products. That's a nice little oil well for some prospector. If free commercial advertising was allowed on the forums, how long do you think it would be before every 3rd post was a "buy that from me, I'm the cheapest around and you cant live without it". It'd be like swapping the independant for one of those free things that lands on yer doormat.

The real, unbiassed content would soon get lost in a mire of advertising & in-fighting.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
Also, the problem is that someone saying "guaranteed the cheapest" doesn't mean a thing (no offense to those concerned).

Add to that that the bottom line (price alone) is only part of the story ...


Oct 31, 2003
I have had good service from a place called welad and downland museum.

When I found them the prices were great but now they have come in line with everyone else. However friendly efficient service counts for something so maybe it's worth 50p or so?

They do have a great selection and some specialist tools which you might not have seen from Gransfors. They also have the new range of sharpening tools.

Anyway I would buy the whole set if I had the cash so if you haven't got a gransfors wherever you buy it you won't regret it IMO.



Jan 30, 2004
woodprods said:
price war, eh?
who is / are "woodlore" ?
I guess I'll have to do a small forest axe for £47!

Whoops, sorry about that, I didn't mean to spark a price war. I genuinely thought you must have made a typo or something on the price, as it had been clearly stated a post or two earlier that Woodlore was doing them fractionally cheaper. (and I assumed that everyone on this type of forum would know that Woodlore=Ray Mears).


Acutorum Opifex
Nov 10, 2003
Martyn said:
Dont forget, it cuts both ways. Here we have a concentrated commumity of people, all interested in certain types of products. That's a nice little oil well for some prospector. If free commercial advertising was allowed on the forums, how long do you think it would be before every 3rd post was a "buy that from me, I'm the cheapest around and you cant live without it". It'd be like swapping the independant for one of those free things that lands on yer doormat.

The real, unbiassed content would soon get lost in a mire of advertising & in-fighting.

That is the last thing I would advocate, but my initial reply was essentially to ask "What's wrong with a price war?"

The outdoor supplies market appears riddled with pseudo cartels. I have recently bought a paramo mountain shirt - an extremely nice piece of kit but do a web search on it and you'll find 99% of the retailers have exactly the same, ludicrously high, price. I asked my local climbing shop if he stocked paramo gear and he said he didn't because someone 15 miles away does and he doesn't want to get into price competition.

Let's face it, for kit made in Macou (as my latest Mountain Equipment trousers are) a 90 quid retail price is a joke. Someone is making a huge margin and we could do with a bit of deep discounting. Hats off to Joe at ODS for finally doing that with torches/knives et al, but we need it for clothing and other outdoor kit too.

Perhaps an "I'm about to buy one of these, please PM me with your best price" forum would be useful?


Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
Price wars? Ask how people in the US feel about Wal-mart coming to town. A little extreme as examples go, but it nicely shows what can happen with price wars. Consumers can get some great deals, but at the expense of there only being one store in town.

In the short time that this site has been up there have been enough threads already that have information about where to get GF axes, and the prices. All a body has to do is have a search. Personally I am not gonna quibble too much about a few quid difference in price. I like a good deal, but I also like to support some dealers who carry other things I may want (and have a hard time finding elsewhere) in the future.

It doesn't see much traffic, but there is a Resources forum here for posting where to get stuff.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
Price ain't everything ... good service is sometimes worth a few quid!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.