Aaah - you need a wife like mine. My last present was seven sets of industrial racking - takes 250kg per shelf - 2m tall, 60cm deep shelves. I racked out one wall of a small barn. Then got load of lidded boxes (wheeled ones on the bottom, smaller ones on the shelves). I now have a bay for preserving kit and jars, a bay for brewing, a bay for soap and potions , a bay for tools, one for traps and misc, two for gardening stuff. Works really well. The "wash house" is lovely and dry, has a woodburner etc. That has shelves for spices, overflow pantry, bottled beer and wine, demijohns etc. Effectively one for storage, one for working. The third is full pf coal and junk, fourth has all the garden equipment and the old garage is the wood store.
I too am running out of space - looks like we'll need to restore the ruined barn
I too am running out of space - looks like we'll need to restore the ruined barn