It's odd, wherever I go and I see a skip, I just have to have a nose and from my nosing I have recovered many a machine householders don't think to repair, where with electrical garden machines the most common throw away fault is the supply lead going open circuit, usually at the labyrinth cord grip, a £1 tool can track that fault, the other fault which is laughable really is a blown fuse, but I love it but at the same time it is really sad that people think to throw away instead of repair, what is it people like spending money?
My household hoover came from a skip, a Numatic slightly bigger than a Henry with twin speed and it was chucked will all the tools, so bonus. The fault, well people use their feet to turn switches off and on this one the force used had upset the switch, so it was take it apart, (Numatics are designed to be repaired) and fix the switch by taking that apart and so I have a superb hoover now and have had it five years and the things it has sucked up, even dust and metal fillings at the smithy, which is never a good idea but what fault developed was easily repaired.
I am pleased to say I am a skip monkey and other people's throw aways, well, where there's muck there's brass.