Within the next six weeks I will be ending my 30 year career (job) in the TV industry. Even if I wanted to return to my current employer there is a two year moratorium in place. Fortunately they will be giving me a handsome payout of about nine months pay which will last me for three years if I behave myself. Which I won't. So anyway the wedge plus my ISAs will allow me to be an international sking/climbing/bushcrafting bum for about two years and I would like to publicly document this part of my life. Facebook would be great if it allowed non-Facebook users to follow me, Wordpress would be superb if I bothered to learn how to use it, I won't. I thought tumblr would be the answer but I'm sick of it already! Are there any simple but functional blog apps that will allow me to embarrass myself online without requiring me to become some sort of html nerd?