I see this thread as kind of a "concept car" stage. Sure some of our ideas won't make it into production, but garnering up the little nuggets of info is incredibly helpful so keep 'em coming! Stuff that we already understand is some of the "design tensions" including
1. People like "clean lines" but also like to keep their "knife related" items together
2. People want their firesteel out of the elements but easily available
3. People want a sharpening stone but nothing "bulky" to keep it in
4. People want the sheath to be able to be high & low,belt and neck worn etc. etc.
If you read some of the e-mails I send to Tiffers you would crack up laughing, but thats okay! I reckon this new sheath should address the problems people have with existing designs. Of course the first rule of problem solving is "define the problem". In reality there are probably many ways to solve the same issue (e.g. my sheath fouls on the hip belt of my Bergan. Solution is a neck carry or a dangler etc.). I'm not daft enough to think we will entirely change what has worked for thousands of years, but if with a little imagination we can address some of those niggles we all experience, so much the better! Trust me, Tiffers will weed out our more outrageous ideas (given she is the brains and knows how hard things are to actually make - although I thought the helium pocket in the sheath to make it lighter was a fine idea