I've had great success with a dead-simple version of the Hoodoo Hone. It's for those of us too unskilled or too lazy to get up to much in the shop.
Many hobby stores and even Home Depot stores have a wide selection of precut, prefinished boards. I pick one around two inches wide and 1/4-inch thick. (Plywood boards like this are the best, I think.)
Then I do the math to figure out how long the hone should be to accommodate an even division of a sheet of abrasive. My last one was for the field, and was 5-1/2 inches long (half of an 11-inch long sheet).
I cut the board with a little X-Acto back saw blade. Using an X-Acto knife, I cut the mouse pad (craft stores also sell sheets of thin foam) to width, and 1-1/2 inches shorter than the board.
Finally, I glue the foam to the board using rubber cement.
The cut abrasive strips are held in place with two binder clips. The 3/4-inch bit of bare wood at either end makes the paper fold over the foam just right.
When not in use, the clips hold the paper on the bottom of the board for storage.