Seat belt cutters - legality?

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Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
As others have said it is a very clumsy law, it can be very difficult to use and sometimes difficult to interpret depending on the situation. But i for one would rather have it than not to give the police some power to deal with certain situations, ie: the inner city council estates/schools were kids are taking knives/screwdrivers etc with them into class. Could it be improved? Absolutely! Is it needed? Sadly, yes i think so....

Okay, so rather than scrapping the entire thing... it should be radically revised, should make it clear enough for a 5 year old to correctly interpret what situations do and don't legitimize the public possession of a pertinent item... as well as what items are and are not subject to the legislation. It also needs to add additional terms for public possession of items designed specifically as weapons (such as those "tactical pens" as one example)

Police officers need to be adequately educated on "context", and rather than being sent to court on nothing but the interpretation of a police officer these cases should be put before a small panel of officers who can make the decision as to whether the case is exempt by "legitimate reason" or should be passed along for prosecution. By your logic, multiple officers would be less likely to make a mistake than an individual officer.

Just throwing out ideas here...


Jan 22, 2013
Suffolk Coast
Going to bow out of this discussion now, but I think it's fair to say that the bottom line as to the OP's question is:

You probably wouldn't be convicted for carrying one, but it's basically down to the intelligence and mood of any police officer you may encounter. The law itself is too vague and open to poor interpretation to provide any definitive answer (the way it was intended, I'm sure).


Sep 7, 2013
by the beach
The old saying "The law is an bottom" couldn't be more apt, when applied to the current legislation, on bladed items. It leaves far to much room for interpretation, and displays a complete lack of common sense.
What is the 'good reason'
Thw good reason would have to be you knew you where going to be in an accident that would require the cutter that day ;)

Just in case isn NOT good reason same as you cant carry a normal knife 'just in case ' you might need to cut some string sharpen a stick etc

HOWEVER a copper would apply his descression and not be botherered with a sensible shrouded saftey cutter they arnt all complete idiots and the CPS i would suspect not want to bother prosecutiong one the news headlines wouldnt be good even in our anti knife media climate
The old saying "The law is an bottom" couldn't be more apt, when applied to the current legislation, on bladed items. It leaves far to much room for interpretation, and displays a complete lack of common sense.
unfortunatly British law is written to have room to interperate Using common sence but PC media pressure to sell papers etc is ever pushing it to be used literaly to the letter every time with no room for either


Full Member
May 8, 2008
A simple yes or no would have sufficed.:lmao:

I know that I would not likely have any problem (having never been stopped and searched I doubt I'd have a problem with virtually anything) but I was just wondering if they would be regarded as a fixed blade. Or, perhaps more usefully, if they were not regarded as a fixed blade why.

It seems they could be regarded as a fixed blade and personally I'd be happy to have one on my car keys, as to me that would clearly be good reason, but perhaps not on my house keys.

Thanks for all the comments.

I'll not ask about why places sell lock back Stanley type knives for use on a key ring...:nono:


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Imagine how many kids are going to school with fixed blades in their bags!!!!!


Would somebody think of the children!!!!


Jan 19, 2004
Unfortunately this thread has become too political and police bashing
The OP is the one I feel sorry for as his thread has been taken off course

I am going to close it
If people can't be reasonable then we may have to lift the ban hammer.
Play nice people.
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